admin Posted on 10:01 am

A vision statement for your music career

Having a vision for your music career is the single most important factor in achieving long-term success in the music industry. Having a vision for your music career can help you achieve success faster by providing you with a strategy, a route to success. It can help you determine the type of people you need to connect with to help you get where you are trying to go.

Finding your own personal vision for your music career leads you on the path to a life that will be more fulfilling for you. You will be fulfilling the dreams that you had for yourself and not the dreams that someone else had for you. You will be happier because you are being the artist you want to be and plan to be. You are making the music you wanted to make and living the life you wanted to live.

Here’s how you can start writing a vision statement for your music career with this checklist:

1. Set aside 15 minutes to start writing your vision statement.

2. Ask yourself where you want to be in the music industry in five years.

* What musical genre are you in?

* Did you sign with a major record label? indie record label?

* How many albums do you sell per year? individual? downloads? Ringtones?

* Are you on tour? If so, how many people will attend your shows? Where are you on tour? in the zone?

regionally? nationally? internationally?

* What income do you get?

* Who are your fans? age? gender?

3. Now write your vision using this format:

______________ (number of years), ____________ (your name / name of your music business) will become a successful ___________ (description of your music genre or description of your music business: include if it will be local, regional, national or international) by providing ____________ (description of your products and services) to __________ (description of your fans or customers).

For more tips on how to achieve greater success in the music industry, go to the Music Success Blog: Music Success

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