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An Introductory Guide to Portable Air Conditioner

It has been almost 70 years since air conditioning was invented, but the Earth is not getting cold! Despite becoming a virtual necessity even before summer hits, air conditioning is still a luxury for many people. It’s a good thing that portable air conditioner has emerged as it’s a viable option for homeowners who want to beat the heat on a budget.

What is it?

A portable air conditioning unit differs from a central or wall-mounted refrigeration unit in that it is small and mobile. Most portable units are between 29 and 34 inches tall and weigh between 30 and 36 kilos. No permanent installation is necessary when using a portable air conditioner. This means that the walls can remain intact!

Sometimes the terms “portable air conditioner” and “portable air cooler” are used interchangeably, although this should not be the case. The first uses a compressor and freon as a refrigerant, while the second works on the principle of evaporation of water. With this in mind, portable air conditioners can cool an entire room more efficiently than an air cooler, as well as having a dehumidifying effect.

How does it work?

A homeowner will need the following to install a portable air conditioner:

– Space for the unit – An electrical point – An air outlet for hot air

The operation of the portable air conditioner is similar to that of traditional air conditioning systems. The unit cools a room using a refrigerator and Freon cycle, as mentioned above. A portable air conditioner included a box frame that contained hot and cold sides, as well as an exhaust hose that is used to expel hot air outdoors and is generally between 5 and 7 feet long. Condensation resulting from cooling is reused to cool the unit, although excess condensate may form from time to time.

There are two ways to remove excess condensate:

Manual removal – the condensate collects in a bucket or tray inside the unit and must be emptied from time to time.

Evaporative removal – the condensate evaporates and is eliminated through the main ventilation hose through a false ceiling, window or wall.

Ventilation is usually through a window and can be achieved with an adapter kit. It is usually included with a portable air conditioning unit. The kit serves to keep the ventilation hose in place and also insulates the window or partially open space.

Where can I use one?

Thanks to their small size and extreme portability, these air conditioners are best for smaller areas that require faster local cooling. Examples include apartments, home offices, server rooms, and anywhere else where installing a large air conditioning unit is not feasible. For the sake of energy conservation and rapid cooling, it can also be used in larger homes to cool only a few particular rooms.

Why should you use one?

Easy installation – a unit can be moved from one room to another without difficulty because it does not have to be permanently attached to anything.

Portability – Most, if not all, portable air conditioners come with caster wheels. That way, the unit can be placed pretty much anywhere you want and moving it won’t give you a hernia in the process.

Two-in-one functionality – not only do they cool the air, the cooling process itself allows the unit to act as a dehumidifier. In addition, more and more portable air conditioners contain air purifiers to ensure cleaner air for the user.

Energy efficiency – Portable units cost much less to operate compared to central air conditioning units due to their smaller size. There is also less energy waste when it comes to smaller units because they can cool a particular area much faster.

Affordability – the lack of installation costs, basic principles of operation and the size of a portable air conditioning unit helps to keep prices low. A more energy efficient unit will cost a bit more, but even this will be lower than the price of a normal air conditioning unit. Maintaining a portable unit is also much easier and cheaper, and minor repairs are easy to do on your own.

Comparison with central air conditioning

As the name suggests, a portable air conditioner can only cool a small area compared to normal air conditioners. Also, portable drives tend to be louder than permanently mounted ones. It can also become a tedious task if you opt for a portable unit where the condensation must be removed manually. The ventilation hose and even the unit itself can be annoying for those used to keeping the floor clear.

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