admin Posted on 8:34 pm

How to get a girl in one day

The title may make you raise your eyebrows, but think about it. Haven’t you seen other guys in action? Haven’t you wondered how they were able to conquer a woman in a matter of minutes? The good news is that you can! And you can learn how to get a girl in one day right now.

Step 1: Act natural when you approach them.

Most women like men who are confident. And even if you’re not, the fact that you had the guts to walk up to her side and strike up a conversation makes you seem confident. Most women also prefer guys who are “real.” So if you’re feeling shy, don’t try too hard to act like the opposite. What matters is that you still took the opportunity to get closer to her even if you feel incredibly nervous about it.

Acting natural is the first step in learning how to win a girl in one day. If you’re shy then so be it. If you’re naturally confident, great! As long as you act natural, you’ve already earned yourself some brownie points in the girl’s eyes.

Step 2 – Show off some pearly whites.

In other words, smile. It really is as simple as that. If you want to know how to get a girl in one day, all you have to do is smile. A smile is something magical, really. It instantly makes you look harmless and even attractive. Put other people at ease by making them feel like they already know and like you, even if you just met.

Step 3: Tell him what you want.

Most girls don’t like to see doubts in guys. It makes them look less manly. If you want to learn how to conquer a girl in one day, then you should already have a plan in mind before approaching the apple of your eye. When you work up the courage to approach the woman you like, what comes next? Do you want to ask for her number? Do you want to ask her out on a date directly? There really isn’t a right or wrong answer because it all depends on what you really want to do next; the important thing is that you do not hesitate to let him know what your plans are.

Step 4: Don’t be too aggressive.

If you want to learn how to pick up a girl in one day, you need to be aware of the difference between being aggressive and being assertive. It’s great that you can tell him what you want to do next. But don’t let that go to your head. You could end up brimming with so much confidence that you end up forgetting that for women, ‘no’ means ‘no’. Don’t be too pushy. Don’t force her to do anything. You will end up pushing her away.

Step 5: Have fun!

If you want to learn how to pick up a girl in one day, you should take your time. Yes, it’s important to let him know what you think next, it shows you’re a man of action, but you don’t need to say it right away. Just focus on having fun first and the rest will come naturally.

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