admin Posted on 8:05 pm

How will the result of the DV lottery be declared?

The result of the DV lottery is announced annually by the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) only. No other organization or company is authorized to declare the results to the persons selected in the DV lottery program.

The KCC selects the winners through a random selection computer for the fiscal year program. Previously, they used to announce the result of the DV lottery by regular mail between the months of May and July each year. During the FY 2010 program, they ran a pilot program that allowed applicants to check results online through their online website. This helped all applicants know whether they were selected for further processing or not.

They continued winner notification by mail for selected winners and the online status check feature for the fiscal year 2011 program as well.

Deeming that the online status verification feature was successful in announcing the selected winners, the Department of State decided to eliminate the process of mailing winning notifications during the DV 2012 program. All DV 2012 applicants were required to retain their number. confirmation after submitting your entries during the entry submission period. Applicants will be able to check their status on the official website with their confirmation number and other personal details. It was decided that the DV lottery result for 2012 will not be sent individually to selected applicants. Winners will not be notified by mail, email, fax or phone. If someone receives a winning notification through any of these ways, it may be a fake.

The DV lottery result process

Each year, once e-ticket submission ends, the official website will stop accepting entries for that particular fiscal year. Computers will begin randomly selecting winners from valid entries based on region.

Each entry will have a case number by fiscal year and the geographic region of the applicant’s country of birth. If a Nigerian applicant is selected for the 2011 program, their case number for the 2011 DV will be 2011AF0000xxx12345. All selectees are advised that they should not proceed with the green card lottery program if they do not have the required education/work experience, which are key eligibility requirements. Also be sure to keep your confirmation number safe as there is no other way to verify the results.

Another thing to keep in mind is that being selected for the program will not instantly grant the applicant immigrant visas from the US government. Being selected only gives them the opportunity to apply for the immigration visa by paying the required immigrant visa fees and diversity visa processing fees. The total fee will be approximately $819 for one person. Other eligible family members must also pay the same visa fees for each of them, whether they join the main applicant to the US or not. Visa fees will not be refunded if the visa is refused for any reason.

Appropriate visa fees must be paid ONLY at the US Embassy or Consular office on the date of the interview. Remember not to send fees by bank or through any other organization.

The DV 2012 application form asks for the applicant’s email address. Although the KCC will not send the winner’s selection via email, in the future, after winning the green card lottery, those who have been selected will be contacted via their email addresses for further communications as process your case.

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