admin Posted on 7:02 pm

3 vegetable seeds that have a great yield per seed

If you had room to grow just three vegetables, what would they be and why? I was recently asked this question by a friend. Before I get into what I would grow, let me address why I would grow the ones I chose. If I only had room for three vegetables, I would make sure to grow something high yielding first, and make sure to grow something that my family and I would enjoy eating second.

If you have limited space, just like any other produce you buy, you want to get the most out of what you’re growing. For example, if you only had room to plant three items, cauliflower would most likely not be one of them, unless of course you absolutely love cauliflower. Personally, I wouldn’t pick this item because you’ll only get one plant in one slot with one seed. Not a very good return with limited space.

Your best bets are items that will produce a lot on a single plant, and preferably can be grown rather than overgrown, as you’ll see on my list.

pole beans
I love having freshly picked beans with dinner and if you grow pole beans then you already know how many you will get from a single seed. Pole beans are a great first choice because they meet both ROI (return on investment) requirements. They grow in place outside and their yields are tremendous. Good choices are Blue Lake Pole, Kentucky Blue, Kentucky Wonder Brown, and Stringless Blue Lake. A single seed can produce hundreds of beans, and if you’re growing a traditional variety, be sure to save some to replant next season.

Cherry tomatoes
Ok, technically speaking, tomatoes are botanically a fruit, but who can argue with the choice of tomatoes. A single seed, according to a recent USDA study, can produce more than $50 worth of tomatoes. A tremendous return on investment of time, space, labor and cost. To maximize your limited space, choose a variety that will produce even more, such as cherry, grape, and yellow or red pear. These tomato varieties keep producing and producing and producing and… you get the point…

If you’ve grown any type of zucchini before, then you already know what the return of a single zucchini seed can give you. My neighbor even once told me the old saying “zucchini plants produce so much, so fast, you can literally watch the zucchini grow before your eyes.” While I won’t say I’ve experienced that, I’ve only planted a couple of seeds and was able to not only save many for my family, but also give full baskets to neighbors, friends, and family. Different varieties of zucchini (or other types of squash) will vary based on yields. My favorites are striped zucchini and black beauty.

I’m sure your list of vegetables grown from seed in limited space will be different, but these are my favorites. Cucumbers would be fourth on my list, slightly behind courgettes. What vegetable seeds would be on your list?

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