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4 myths of the law of attraction

If you take a very close look at your life and the lives of others, you can see that the Law of Attraction works each time to create both desirable and undesirable situations in a person’s life. And people who are exposed to the Law of Attraction for the first time, feeling that it challenges their beliefs, have a hard time seeing it for what it is. As we always do, we filter information through our glasses and interpret things differently.

In this article, I want to offer four common misconceptions or, better yet, incomplete assumptions about what the Law of Attraction is and what it entails.

Myth # 1: The Law of Attraction is not a law.

I have read several blog posts and comments elsewhere that provide a compelling argument for why this may seem true in the eyes of one person. Well, it may not be a definite law in science or politics, but it is definitely something that is always working and cannot be circumvented. It exists as a neutral force that is activated according to thoughts and feelings. In the movie, The Secret, Bob Proctor gives a great example of this. He says in relation to the Law of Attraction, “You may not understand how it works.” He goes on to talk about how most people know about electricity and says that most people don’t know how it works either. However, one profound thing he said was this: “I do know one thing. You can cook a man’s dinner with electricity, and you can also cook a man.” In other words, the Law of Attraction is the same. You can work with it consciously, or you can work with it unconsciously and still get results that may or may not be desirable.

Myth No. # 2: The Law of Attraction is all about options.

This is only partially true. Yes, in everything you have options, but the Law of Attraction is also activated with subconscious thought. It weighs more on beliefs than on choices. You can make a decision today to stop eating fast food, but if your beliefs do not match that choice, then it will be quite difficult to manifest less fast food. In most cases, it can lead to cravings for more fast food. Until your subconscious and conscious are aligned, then the Law of Attraction will only respond to what you think and feel the most. This is also an explanation of why it is so important to make it clear.

Myth No. 3: Feelings are just feelings. They don’t matter.

This is a big one. Feelings are indicators of whether or not you are in sync with what you say you want. Abraham-Hicks talks about the infinite supply of well-being that flows, and that each of us is tapped or not. It never stops flowing. Since we are aware that well-being is our natural state, our emotions serve as a gift to let us know how distant we are from our True Self. What is even more important is that emotions are energy in motion. They are some of the “fuel” behind our conscious and unconscious beliefs. Remember that I said before that the Law of Attraction responds to what you think and feel the most. Feelings of need beget more lack and, conversely, feelings of gratitude beget more abundance. Therefore, feelings are of vital importance when it comes to activating the Law of Attraction. It’s essential to start paying attention to them and consciously choosing better feelings to help bridge the gap.

Myth No. # 4: The Law of Attraction only works if you act.

Many products are marketed that claim to have the piece that was left out of The Secret. One of the claims is the “action” component. In the movie, one of the steps was “Receive”, and in this section, it is here that action is required to facilitate delivery of the manifested physical result. But here is the problem with this one. Some people get so caught up in “doing” (being busy) and not “allowing” or not certain to move by inspiration, that they end up working in a frenzy and may not yet get the desired result due to whether or not . his beliefs and emotions were aligned with his actions. The type of action that must take place must be inspired action. When you are a “vibrational pairing” with your desire and you are clear and aware enough to be able to pick up hunches or intuitive nudges, that is when the action must take place, not just because someone told you that you have to push yourself to do so. bone. Grant it, as long as your beliefs and emotions are aligned with the work you are doing (and it may seem like a lot, what many people classify as “hard work”), you will see pleasant results. I just want to make sure the difference is clear that the action that generally produces a pleasant result faster, without resistance, is an action based on inspiration.

Again, this is my perspective. I would like to hear your perception regarding what you have seen, heard or read about the Law of Attraction and how it has manifested itself in your life. Where are these “myths” with you?

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