admin Posted on 1:37 pm

5 W and one H for meeting invitations

Are you looking for a way to improve meetings? Then start planning ahead to make sure the meeting goes as well as it can. Once it has been determined that a meeting should be held, it is important to invite the right people in the right way. This is done with an invitation to a meeting. The best invitations will provide attendees with the answers to their questions about who, what, when, where, why, and how they relate to the meeting.

  • because Is this meeting necessary? The purpose of the session should be prominently stated in the invitation. This allows potential attendees to get the big picture and what the goal of holding a meeting is.
  • When is the meeting? A good meeting invitation will show the date of the session and the times it will start and end. This helps attendees make meeting plans as well as prepare what they need for the meeting.
  • Where is the meeting? The invitation will direct attendees to the location where the session will take place. If special travel arrangements are needed, the invitation must provide information for travelers.
  • WHO attend? The invitation will be sent to all expected attendees and will also be copied to the presenters. If known at the time of the invitation, also include the name of the facilitator and registrar.
  • That Will the steps be done at the meeting? The steps to achieve the purpose of the meeting in the allotted time are provided on an agenda. A well thought out agenda will list what actions need to be taken, how much time is allotted for each action, and who is primarily responsible for each agenda item.
  • As The meeting steps that need to be accomplished are accomplished by writing an agenda using action words and describing any special techniques that might be used, such as brainstorming, process analysis, voting, or consensus decision making.

When planning a meeting, remember to prepare a meeting invitation that lets people know everything they need to know before they plan to attend. Make sure the invitation answers the who, what, when, where, why, and how questions so the attendee doesn’t have to make a phone call to find out.

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