admin Posted on 9:03 pm

8 ways to get rid of toenail fungus

Onchomycosis or fungal nail infection is a disease characterized by thickening of the nails. This is one of the most feared nail ailments that affects both men and women of different age groups. This fungal infection starts in the nail beds and can involve some arduous treatments.

The development of fungal nail infection begins with yellowish and brownish discoloration of the nail. The infection progresses and can even cause odor in the toenails. This can be an embarrassing condition, which is why many people seek helpful advice on how to manage this persistent infection.

There are several factors that increase the risk of this type of foot infection, including hot weather, tight shoes, and sometimes it can be genetic.

Here are some of the helpful tips on how to treat and control fungal nail infection:

1. Wear proper footwear. In this way you can avoid the development of fungal infection. It can even help prevent the infection from coming back. If you wear shoes, you protect your feet from dust particles that could cause fungal infection.

2. You must ensure that you wear clean and dry socks. Your socks should protect your feet during physical activity and should help prevent infections such as onchomycosis. If you wear wet or dirty socks, you are inviting bacteria and fungus to grow on your feet.

3. Practice daily grooming and proper hygiene. Growing nails should be trimmed. Long nails can harbor dust, dirt, and other pathogens that could trigger the development of a fungal infection.

4. Always make sure your feet are dry before putting on shoes or socks. If you need to wear shoes, be sure to wear cotton socks to allow air to flow in and out of your feet. Cotton is highly absorbent and can help wick moisture away from your feet.

5. Home remedies can also be used if you want to eradicate fungal nail infection. Use olive oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus oil. Tea tree oil can be a powerful remedy as it stops the growth of bacteria.

6. Fungi can spread quickly in damp, damp and dark places. Proper protective footwear in a public bath or swimming pool is very important. Avoid sharing towels and other personal items. This way you can help prevent the spread of fungus.

7. One home remedy that you can try is the use of vinegar to cure fungal nail infection. The acid level of the vinegar acts on the fungi themselves. A foot soak can leave you feeling pampered while the vinegar treats your yeast infection.

8. Epsom salt can also be a remedy to cure fungal nail infection. An Epsom salt bath is perfect for getting rid of onchomycosis.

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