admin Posted on 12:55 pm

A guide to bathroom remodeling

There’s a reason many Hollywood actors keep their awards in their bathrooms – all of your guests will be visiting that room at some point, so why not put the trophies where everyone can see them? But even if you haven’t won any Academy Awards, your guests will still be visiting your bathroom. A bathroom remodel done right can impress your guests and increase the value of your home.

A bathroom remodel can be as simple as new paint and fixtures, or it can be a total renovation and expansion. If you want to get started with a bathroom remodel, the first thing you need to do is evaluate your current bathroom.

Think about these questions to make sure you get the most out of your project:

How many people will use the bathroom?

If a family shares a bathroom, it may be a good idea to have a separate toilet and shower area so someone can shower while someone else uses the mirror and vanity.

What is the current state of the bathroom?

Attacking dirty tiles with bleach or an industrial tile cleaning solution, polishing fixtures, and adding brighter lights can bring your bathroom back to shine and cost less than a renovation. But if the bathroom is outdated, falling apart, or just plain boring, consider more intense changes.

How much money do you have for the renovation?

Before you start, think about how much money you can realistically afford. No remodeling project should put you in debt. Once you have an estimate, take a trip to your local hardware store to check prices. Compare prices and start looking for deals before you start your renovation project. You don’t need to buy everything at once; You can easily wait for the store sales to buy the tools you need and store them.

How much work can you do alone?

If this is your first remodeling project, take it easy. You will need to use this room, so make sure you stay out of trouble. If your bathroom needs new wiring, plumbing, or even tile, don’t be afraid to ask for professional help. Just make sure you factor it into your budget.

How much space do you have?

If you can knock down walls, be sure to plan ahead. Pocket doors and a shower, not a tub, are easy ways to conserve space.

How long will you use the bathroom?

If you’re remodeling to help sell your home, or could sell it soon, it may be best to stick to simple, conservative changes. Get things working and looking clean, but don’t add the hot tub of your dreams.

These questions address some of the most basic points of bathroom remodeling. Plan ahead, budget, keep an eye out for deals, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember, bathroom modeling is meant to be fun and the results are all for your enjoyment. Get the most out of it.

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