admin Posted on 12:18 pm

Basketball tips for beginners

If your kids have become too familiar with TV or spend too much time surfing online, it’s sometimes hard to find clever ways to get them out of the house and into sports activities. In fact, it’s music to any parent’s ears when their child announces “I want to learn to play [insert sport here]!” for the first time. When it comes to basketball, they will receive great training, learn to cooperate with others, and experience the rewards that come from successfully working as a team with others who yearn to be the winner. A healthy competitive nature will also prepare any child for the enthusiastic challenges that go hand in hand with the types of sports played as a teenager in high school.

If your child has recently taken an interest in basketball and would like to start playing, there is a lot of equipment that you will need to purchase. If he’s in doubt about what to buy, or maybe a little nervous about buying the wrong items, here are some helpful tips for him to keep in mind when he starts shopping.

Basketball Shoes: With shoes, the adage “expensive is better” certainly doesn’t always ring true, and price almost never warrants any kind of higher level of injury protection. Spending more than $150 on a pair of shoes is silly, especially since a child’s feet will continue to grow over time. Look at the mid-range shoes from $60 to $90 and make sure your child understands that a certain brand is nothing more than a street cred boost; Those fancy Nike, Under Armor, or Adidas shoes won’t mean a thing when your opponent beats you down. Comfort has top priority, because foot pain can be very detrimental, and no matter how fancy your shoe, your child will suffer from a poor purchase choice. The rubber bottom (outsole) of any good shoe should be flat and wide, to create a stable base that helps prevent twisting of the ankles. A three-quarter cut will also offer effective ankle stability.

Ankle Brace: If your child has not had an ankle injury in recent memory, there is no reason to buy, or wear, a brace. However, if they have suffered at some point in the past and are having difficulty finding an ankle brace that fits, consider a custom device. Although a bit pricey, players with ongoing foot and/or ankle pain will not receive enough protection with a store-bought orthotic. Those with flat feet or abnormally high arches may also benefit from a custom-made device.

T-shirts: Playing in a traditional cotton T-shirt will only cause a child to sweat, and that is not pleasant for anyone. With a moisture-resistant synthetic jersey, expect moisture to be reduced or nullified altogether. Remember that a dry child is a happy child!

Shorts – Echoing the advice on jerseys, shorts should also be made from synthetic materials. As for its length, that’s up to you!

Mouthguard: Regardless of the level of competition, any basketball game can turn aggressive – anyone who has felt the sudden sting of an elbow in the teeth can attest to this! Therefore, it is highly recommended that your child wear a mouth guard that offers at least a modicum of protection. Recent studies have even found a link between concussion among players who refuse to play with a mouth guard. Boil and bite mouth guards (put them in hot water before biting down and they will mold to the inside of your mouth) will definitely help your kids withstand any painful collisions they encounter.

If you try to remember a few of these tips, you’ll be able to make some informed purchases for any aspiring MVPs in your family.

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