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Creating a High Intensity Training Exercise Routine

As a high-intensity training coach for strength athletes, I often, and sometimes daily, get questions about how to create a workout routine, how to progress through a workout routine, or what the next step is in reaching individual potential. I always keep it simple and stupid using basic HIT theory.

I wish I could say it’s experience alone that allows me to answer these questions, but it’s really a combination of critical thinking, experience, and an understanding of how the people around us, including athletes, differ…based on their makeup. genetics. What I am saying is that although high intensity strength training is probably the most effective training there is, due to its efficiency and the way our bodies are designed, we all have different genetic fingerprints and by applying the theory of strength training high intensity correctly, is the key to the puzzle.

It’s no secret that we are all genetically different, from our fingerprints to the individual differences that make us up. If you look at color, we have albinos at one end of the spectrum and blacks at the other. This difference is also directly related to sunlight tolerance, where an albino can tolerate very little volume of sunlight, while a black can tolerate much more. This is genetics! The same goes for muscles, height, IQ, and a list of others.

The same can be said of exercise tolerance, although physiologically we are the same we are genetically different. This is why when I build an exercise routine I personalize it for the person using it. There is no one size fits all!

Saying that there is no one size fits all, there are exercises that are very effective and activate the growth mechanism of the entire body. These exercises are what I call the great exercises like deadlifts, squats, rows, high pulls, dips, bench presses, and their alternatives. When building any workout, I cross-plot these exercises, depending on the person’s goals, and augment them with other effective but less stressful exercises. When using the volume and frequency thermometer to stick to short, infrequent workouts, I ask a series of questions to get a read on what your genetic makeup might be. This could include:

o What do you think your weaknesses are?

o What has been your rate of progress over the last 3 months

o What are your energy levels right now?

o What is your current training frequency

o What level of intensity are they applying?

o What is their diet like and what do they usually eat?

o What is your body fat percentage right now?

o How long have they been training?

o What training they have been starting; high volume or high intensity

o Do they include aerobic or cardiovascular exercises and why?

These are just a few. By asking these questions, I am painting a picture of who they are genetically and the path they have traveled to get to the point where they are today. If you’re looking for a fitness routine and you find me, in most cases the way you’ve approached your goals hasn’t been successful. What I find in many cases is that they are flooding. Months and years have passed without significant progress due to two things.

1- Not cooperating with your genetics

2- Not correctly applying the High Intensity Training Theory, which simply states that the exercise must be intense, brief and infrequent.

It’s no secret that you can train hard or long, but you can’t train hard and long. The HIT theory states simply this…

1- You must stimulate muscle growth with an intense contraction, that is, going to failure or beyond…

2- Your training should be brief in terms of

3- Allow the body to not only compensate but to overcompensate or adapt to that stimulation.

Did you know that you can increase your strength beyond 300%, however, your recovery ability can be increased by 50%?

The body only requires you to stimulate an adaptive response once, not over and over again, and because more than is required minimally detracts from the growth and recovery process and since the body systemically recovers, then what is left overcompensates. , letting muscle down… then your training should be brief and infrequent. And this all depends on one thing… genetics!


A properly designed program, including one for bodybuilders, is truly a strength program because muscle and strength are relative.

This means that it is necessary to do only the minimum required to stimulate a rise. More than is minimally required is overtraining! This means only one set per exercise…remember, you don’t have to stimulate a response over and over again. Your goal is not to do more work, leave it to the distance runners!

There is also no reason to do a series of sets and alter the rep range, every rep up to the last near impossible rep performed that fires up the body’s growth mechanism is nothing more than a warm up.

The higher the rep range, the less stressful due to the weight used.

The big basic exercises, as mentioned above, should be the core of your exercise routine, supplemented by smaller exercises like curls, laterals, pull downs, triceps extensions, etc., if necessary.

You don’t need to do all the big core exercises at every workout, rather performing just one or sometimes two per workout is enough along with one or two smaller exercises.

In a split routine, you can have up to 4 or more split workouts with rest days in between while making incredible progress. You will not lose size but you will gain!

Rest days in general most effectively vary between 4 days and 14 days, depending on the genetics and level of the trainee. A very advanced student who can generate very intense contractions, so the strength may need more than 7 days of rest, as well as a less experienced student who has a low tolerance for intense exercise. Both will advance, albeit at different rates.

Advanced athletes require more intense contractions to move forward, along with longer rest times. Higher stress intensity techniques are required and work very well in all exercises if managed properly.

Beginning and advanced athletes alike require great core core exercises to activate the body’s systemic growth process.

Progress tracking means tracking your strength gains. You will gain reps or strength or both, which will eventually result in muscular bodyweight gain.

Diet plays an important role in performance, progress, and recovery. There must be quality cement in place to build the house. Macronutrient manipulation in many cases is highly beneficial as it allows the body’s natural systems to be used more efficiently. Anything processed should be limited.

Remember, you grow outside of the gym, not in it! It is an end to a means. Use these factors when building your HIT workout routine and watch the speed of your progress toward reaching your genetic potential.

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