admin Posted on 11:51 am

Credit got you down?

The world is an ever-changing place filled with hope, dreams, and sometimes extreme despair. Sometimes what seems like getting ahead in an economy gone south isn’t really getting ahead at all. How many people have lost their livelihood in recent years? To get back on what seemed like a good moving road to find them alone in a mountain of debt? You might think that a high paying job, a low interest rate mortgage and two new cars in the driveway along with great credit scores are living the American dream when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Acknowledging your unique situation is important in addressing any issues. Many people don’t even realize that there is, in fact, a problem until it is too late. Most people just go online and make their payments in a timely manner until a divestment hit hits like a tornado that destroys everything as you knew it. That tornado is credit cards, why do we insist on buying items we can’t afford. Which makes us want something we can’t have and makes it even more desirable when we don’t have the cash in hand. Why do we insist on buying non-essential items that only provide instant gratification and nothing else?

Debt should only be used to earn money. Whether you’re starting a business, going back to school, or indeed putting a roof over your head. Our grandparents didn’t use these hazard plastic pieces, they would never think of buying excess items they didn’t need or couldn’t afford. They are dangerous and a crutch at times to pay off Paul to cover for Mary and Peter. Sometimes we get so deep and just to make the minimum payments we charge our daily living expenses just to get by. That is when you should seek help and advice from experienced debt advisors.

When trying to get out of debt, it’s important to read all you can on the subject and tackle one bill at a time and stop using those cards immediately. Going from low to high is usually the best idea and provides the most reward to give you the energy to go full steam ahead and get rid of debt once and for all. One person who has helped thousands is Dave Ramsey, his book is The Total Money Makeover, if you are in credit card debt this is a must read!

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