admin Posted on 2:17 pm

Easy exercises with gym ball

Gym ball exercises are a fun and easy way to exercise, whether you’re a seasoned fitness fanatic or a complete beginner. Focusing heavily on core muscle exercises, gym ball exercises also allow you to exercise in a variety of different ways to create a full-body workout without ever leaving your own home. There are a variety of simple gym ball exercises you can do right now to start working those muscles and improve your health; these are just a few.

balance on the ball
One of the most important ball exercises for balance and posture, the ball balance is easy to perform and effective in achieving its purpose. Place your arms on the floor and lie on top of the gym ball, extending your legs back into the air. You’ll notice that balance is crucial to staying in that position, given the spherical shape of the gym ball. Lift your arms off the ground when you are stable and hold for 30 seconds for maximum impact.

modified lizard
The modified push-up can be performed relatively easily and is one of the most suitable exercise ball exercises for beginners and those just starting out with their fitness regimen. The pushup looks like a regular pushup, but the ball is used to support the thighs, which makes it much easier and much less intense, but still provides a great workout.

elevated push-ups
The elevated push up is similar to the modified push up, but it is one of the most difficult gym ball exercises and is therefore reserved for intermediate level fitness fanatics. Instead of resting your thighs on the ball, you should roll back to rest your toes on the ball, raising your legs above shoulder height. This should focus more of your body weight on the upper body muscles you are working and lead to a more strenuous workout of these muscle groups.

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