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Find out how a powerful OPC antioxidant removes flavor naturally and completely

People are discovering that they have healthier alternatives available than prescription drugs to get rid of the painful effects of gout. I know I have experienced the painful effects of arthritis and gout on my joints (especially feet and knees) for years, and I was about to give up, visit the scooter shop, and stop walking altogether. If you’ve ever been woken up in the middle of the night with sharp cramps in your toes and feet due to gout or been unable to walk due to pain you experienced like me, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Doctors working with WebMD describe gout as a form of arthritis, an inflammation of the joints, which causes sudden and severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling in some joints. It usually affects one joint at a time, although it can be in multiple joints at once. The big toe is most often affected, but gout can also affect other joints in the leg, such as the knee, ankle, and foot, and, less commonly, joints in the arm, including the hand, wrist, fingers and elbow. .

Gout can be simply defined as an unusually high level of uric acid that builds up in the blood. Most of the time, having too much uric acid is not harmful. Many people with high blood levels never get the taste. But when uric acid levels in the blood are too high in some people, the uric acid can form hard crystals in the joints. These crystals act like pieces of glass that accumulate around and rub against our joints causing inflammation and pain. Gout is often seen in people who have a digestive disorder. In a normally functioning digestive system, fats and proteins are ingested into the body and the remaining impurities pass through the kidneys and out of the body. In a malfunctioning digestive system, undigested food particles remain in the blood and become a source of uric acid, leading to gout or arthritis.

There are really two approaches to treating gout. Traditional doctors generally recommend prescription medications such as corticosteroids (prednisone) that target and reduce inflammation in the joints. But while this approach is effective at relieving pain, and almost immediately, there are side effects that result from prednisone. For example, on the one hand, prednisone causes steroid-induced osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones, causing them to lose their density and become more brittle and suitable for fractures. This condition is usually found in postmenopausal women, but it could occur in women of any age or even in men taking this medication. Prednisone also decreases new bone formation and decreases the body’s absorption of calcium from food. Severe joint pain is a major and nearly universal complaint experienced by many people taking prednisone, likely due to the fact that it robs the body of the body’s natural calcium needed to keep joints healthy and free of inflammation. Other doctors may prescribe indomethacin (Indocine), ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen sodium (Aleve), which can help relieve pain and swelling within 24 hours of a gout attack. But these drugs can also have side effects, sometimes causing stomach upset, ulcer development, or increased risk of heart attack. People with gastrointestinal, kidney, or heart problems are also advised not to take these medications. Medications are usually successful in stopping pain symptoms, can be harmful to the body in the long run with prolonged use, and never really affect the root cause of gout. Doctors often recommend follow-up visits

The alternative to prescription drugs in the treatment of gout is based on a more homeopathic or natural approach to the disease. Holistic doctors examine the state of the blood, the vehicle that transports nutrients or impurities to all parts of the body. A simple blood test will show if you have unusually high levels of uric acid in your blood. The goal of alternative medicine is to improve blood health through nutritional supplementation and thereby get to the cause of gout, not just treat the symptoms. One such remedy is the use of powerful antioxidants that help purify the blood from free radical damage. Free radicals impair the body’s ability to filter impurities from undigested food particles, leading to high concentrations of protein and fat in the blood, ultimately leading to higher concentrations of uric acid crystals. Free radicals come from both inside and outside our bodies in the form of disease, infection, or external toxins such as pesticides, air pollution from car exhaust, food preservatives, cigarette smoke, drugs, growth hormones and ultraviolet light from the sun. Holistic practitioners have discovered that one of the most natural and effective ways to regulate free radical damage is through the use of antioxidants derived from plant nutrients called phytonutrients. Within this group is an even more specialized class called bioflavonoids. One especially powerful bioflavonoid in particular, called OPCs or (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) is an extremely effective phytonutrient that is 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C. OPC actually increases the effectiveness of vitamin C. when used together. OPC consists of fruits, such as grape seed extract, citrus extract, blueberry and wine extract, and pine bark. Together in harmony, these natural ingredients have been shown to be very effective in controlling gout in many patients. A former gout patient said that he had been suffering from extreme gout in his feet for over a year.

So bad, in fact, that every few months he had to get special boots that would allow him to walk without much pain. He said that his taste condition had extremely compromised his life and what he could do. After being exposed to OPC quite incidentally and trying it out, he experienced relief within four days. With continued use over the next 6 months, this gentleman was completely pain free in his joints. He even commented that since he’s been using OPC, he hasn’t felt this good (in general health terms) for ten years. In my particular case, I have been using OPC, a specific brand called OPC-3 for the last three years. I found that when I chose not to take it routinely and stopped taking it altogether, my joint pain and gout came back with a vengeance. When I go back on OPC-3 the pain goes away and I feel great again and can do the sports I love like biking, rollerblading, lifting weights and walking. Needless to say, I don’t plan any further experimentation. I urge you to investigate this powerful phytonutrient and you, too, can get back to doing what you love to do!

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