admin Posted on 6:54 pm

From poorer than Job’s Turkey to richer than Croesus

As Earl Nightingale and many others have said in different ways, “We all become what we think about.” So, a little background behind the title of this article “From Turkey Poorer Than Job To Richer Than Croesus”. Job, obviously, was a biblical character who brought about his tragedy by thinking about the tragedy. Croesus was an ancient Babylonian king who brought good fortune by thinking of success and good fortune. When I fully consider a benevolent and successful outcome, I think of success and good fortune like Croesus, only a better one: I don’t let my circumstances shape my thoughts, my inner thoughts shape my outer thoughts and the way I act and react to my thoughts. thoughts. circumstances, rationally. In fact, I only use Job’s example as a contrast to keep me on the right track by telling myself that I will take Croesus’s true gold (his successful style thoughts about himself and his life, no matter what and his successful actions in those thoughts) about the poor turkey, scratching the boils with the dishes and feeling sorry for Job (thinking and living in a tragedy, and shifting responsibility for himself to God and others around him) anytime and all the time (with my thoughts more like Croesus, and absolutely not like Job).

My point is that whatever happens, I rationally align my thoughts with my actions successfully, calmly and rationally, even when “things are wrong.” I have just mentioned in this part of the article a main principle of the businessman and business writer George Samuel Clason (author of the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”) and a genuinely prosperous leader in his life and great leader like King Croesus. versus “just another unlucky rich guy” like Job. So to put it in a shortened way that might make sense when you think hard enough: your (or my) thoughts or actions make or destroy you (or me) and no matter what happens externally, that’s the reality of you ( mine). or someone’s situation.

Despite my best efforts, that’s as clear as I can get on that point in an article for now. In even clearer and abbreviated terms, I quote Brian Tracy: “If you want to fly with the eagles, you can’t keep scratching with the turkeys.” Whatever happens, the rewards are for those who believe / do, take honestly, and are not lazy with opportunities and opportunities. The real key to life is learning and earning, not spending and spending. Spending and using or burning and spending are secondary to primary learning about life and obtaining benefits from life. It is all your individual choice. So personally, I quote a saying that Jones of Toledo, Ohio had in the 1910s and 1920s: “I want for everyone what I want for myself, I want the good and the great.” I thought I would use that quote an uncle of mine on my father’s side of my family, born in the early 20th century, as a child, told me in 1978, before reading it in Charles F. Haanel’s “Master Key System” in a local public. library in 1980, well, putting all that aside, I end up repeating that quote, just as a preamble with which I want to say every word, completely, honestly and rationally: “I want for everyone what I want for myself, I want good and great. “

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