admin Posted on 12:34 pm

Garena HON: gold coins vs. silver coins

If you play a strategy game like Heroes of Newerth, you might be familiar with its coin system. This type of system was designed for all players to purchase virtual items from their HON store. This game has two different currencies (gold coins and silver coins) that players need to buy virtual items. First of all, is it really necessary for us to buy any item from your store through gold or silver coins? How can we earn gold and silver coins in this game?

When it comes to gold coins, you won’t earn them every time you play. This type of currency can be loaded through Garena Shells. Once you are done topping up your Garena account, you can easily convert them into HON gold coins. Speaking of reloads, you have to buy these shells from Garena with real money. To buy these shells from Garena, you need to go to their website at After you buy gold coins with your Garena shells, you can buy items in her shop.

The price of each item really depends. For example, if you want to buy an Early Access Hero (EAH) like Midas or Geomancer, it will cost you 400 gold. To have 400 gold coins, you must buy a minimum of 500 shells through Garena. In that case, you are eligible to purchase that hero. There are many virtual items that you can choose from in the HON store, such as alternate avatars, heroes, taunts, stat resets, announcers, and much more. This will take your game to the next level.

But what about the silver coins? These coins can be earned through matching games. In matchmaking games, you can play alone or invite your friends to join your team. Once you are ready, the server itself will search for players that match you. Matched players will be based on their matchmaking rate (MMR), which can increase or decrease each time you win or lose a game. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose in a matching game, you will earn between five and twenty coins.

Once you have enough silver coins in your account, you will be able to buy items from the HON store without gold coins. But the cost of these items through purchasing with silver coins is too high. For example, if you want to buy a hero named Nomad, it will cost you 150 gold or 400 silver. The more games you play in matchmaking mode, the more coins you will earn. This is how we differentiate these two currencies in Heroes of Newerth.

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