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Get relief from heart disease with Ayurveda

Until the 1980s, there was a belief that once you have heart disease, there is virtually nothing you can do to stop or reverse the damage. But according to recent studies, Ayurveda has been shown to not only stop the damage being done to the arteries, but also reverse the blockage. Certain Ayurveda practices help increase blood flow to specific regions of the heart where adequate blood does not reach. Coronary arteries become blocked due to inadequate blood supply.

What do you mean by heart disease?

Heart disease or coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease. The disease is actually a malfunction of the blood vessels, which can also be the cause of a fatal heart attack. One of the many cardiovascular diseases, heart disease is the disease of the heart and blood vessel system. Some of the more common cardiovascular diseases include angina or chest pain, rheumatic heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Some of the reasons for getting heart disease are smoking, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, physical inactivity, and obesity.

Home remedies to control heart disease and avoid it

  • Half a teaspoon of ginger and garlic juice are taken equally and when mixed with brown sugar or honey, it becomes the right tonic to be taken twice a day.

  • Pumpkin, carrot and pomegranate juice, take about 2 glasses a day.

  • ½ teaspoon of Methi seeds if soaked overnight in ½ cup of water. Chew it the next day in the morning before taking anything else.

  • Practice Panchkarma to maintain heart dhara as it supports the correct way of functioning of the heart. It also helps to maintain Shirodhara which balances the emotions. Do it under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor.

  • Take a cotton roll and dip it in warm sesame oil or ghee. Apply the cloth pack for about fifteen minutes a day around the left side of your chest. This strengthens the functioning of the heart.

  • You should apply ½ teaspoon of cow butter on both temples and gently massage for one minute. It will reduce stress and anxiety and help you sleep peacefully.

  • Meditation, brisk walking, yoga like Kapalbharti and Anulom Vilom Pranayam should be a daily routine.

People suffering from diabetes also have annoying food cravings. Eat some healthy recipes to control food cravings.

Healthy food recipes to follow.

1. vegetable chili made from multigrain flour mix, Moong dal flour, salt, ginger-garlic paste, chopped coriander leaves, grated pumpkin, cabbage, finely chopped green chili, turmeric powder, and water.

2. dahlia salad made from crushed dahlia, crushed onion, and coriander leaves that are finely chopped.

There are several other Ayurvedic home remedies available that you can follow to control diabetes and heart disease. Take a detox diet to control blood sugar levels and improve heart function.

Fasting on only ginger juice in warm water for days can also help you stay healthy and fit.

Eat only vegetables and Moong dal soup for 5 days straight and then for the next five days consume only Moong dal and vegetables mixed with garlic and ginger paste, garam masala and turmeric powder.

After all these, start following a normal diet and following the above diet for detox once a month will help you reduce extra fats, stiffness, bloating and Aam from your body. It will make you feel more agile, healthy and it will also help you control your weight.

Many medications are available on the market to keep your heart working properly, but unfortunately not all of them are as effective as expected. So instead of randomly consuming medicine for heart disease, you can go for the natural way with Ayurveda, which has no adverse effects on the body and will help you get treatment naturally. The various natural and Ayurvedic ingredients used in medicines for heart conditions are as follows:

amla: Amla is a powerful antioxidant that strongly restricts free radicals from damaging the arteries. It also nourishes heart tissue and helps boost your immune system along with your heart. This amazing fruit is one of the main ingredients of Chywanaprash, which is a delicious jam made from different kinds of natural herbs and provides strength and immunity.

Arjuna: Heart disease is primarily caused by congestion, hardening, and inflammation of the arteries that causes restriction in blood flow. These hardened arties also put a lot of pressure on the tissues and muscles of the heart. Known as the wonder of Ayurveda, this herb helps reduce congested arteries, strengthens heart muscles, and keeps blood pressure low.

triphala: Triphala is a perfect cure for people suffering from high cholesterol. When combined with other herbs, it also breaks down blood fats present in the body quickly and effectively.

ashwagandha: Stress is another cause of heart disease and that is when this wonderful Ashwagandha herb comes to your rescue. It is known to reduce the tension of the mind and body and also helps to strengthen the heart muscle.

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