admin Posted on 11:42 pm

How to care for Stingray leather products

Stingray leather is very strong. It is much stronger than cowhide due to its physical composition. In cowhide and other types of leather, the underlying fibers tend to run in a direction parallel to each other, while in stingray leather, the fibers are random and more often cross each other, forming a bond. much narrower between fibers. While some leathers tear easily, stingray leather is not, due to this criss-cross arrangement of the fibers. Also, the skin of the ray has those famous little bumps that are actually calcium scales that were a protection for the ray against some predators. Once the skin of the stingray is tanned, these rock-hard bumps add additional strength to the material composition of the leather and also add protection against nicks, cuts and result in increased tear resistance.

While these products made from stingray leather have exceptional strength, they still need proper care for their beauty to last as long as the leather itself.

Here are some tips for caring for your stingray leather item that will help prolong the life and beauty of your stingray product.

1 – Dirt Removal: Dirt can often be removed from articles of a stingray simply by wiping the article with a slightly (barely) dampened cloth. In difficult places, you can use a very mild soap with water and gently clean the surface. Don’t rub too hard as most stingray skins are dyed and painted on the surface to get that beautiful color. Rubbing too hard can remove some of the color from the surface of the scratch leather and result in an unsightly display of grayish scales underneath.

2 – Storing Stingray Products – Never keep leather products in contact with other leather products when storing them. The finish of each product can cause them to stick together. Do not wrap leather products in plastic bags as this causes them to dry out. To store your stingray items (or any leather items) it is always best to keep them wrapped in paper. Tissue paper works best for these types of products. You can also use a cloth bag that many manufacturers provide with each of their products as a storage container. Keep your Stingray products stored away from heat and moisture. Never leave any leather product exposed to direct heat or sunlight, as this quickly dries out natural oils and moisture.

3 – Drying your stingray product: If for any reason your stingray product gets wet (rain soaked, dropped into water, etc.) do not add heat to speed up the drying process. About the worst thing you could do is heat the leather, as this not only removes the water but also the natural oils inherent in the leather. Do not place leather in direct sunlight. Lay the garment on a dry surface, preferably on a piece of tissue paper, and let it dry slowly and naturally at room temperature.

You can use a water repellent made for exotic skins to protect it from moisture. It is usually available in spray form and should not contain silicone as it can break down the leather.

A leather conditioner from Bickmore Company called Bick 4 Leather Conditioner has been recommended and rated highly by many customers. It does not darken finished leather products and is excellent for a variety of leather goods, including exotic leather products. In addition to using this product to condition and maintain the appearance of your leather goods, the company also recommends using Bickmore Leather Repellent Spray to help make your item more water repellent and protect against future water damage.

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