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How to fight infections without antibiotics: natural therapies that work

Many people, for various reasons, cannot take antibiotics. Unfortunately, I am one of these people. They either cause yeast infections at the end of treatment or simply don’t offer a permanent solution, causing a rebound where the original problem becomes even more severe, requiring stronger and stronger antibiotics for longer periods of time. This is exactly what happened to one of my clients.

He contracted a blood infection, so his doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics that seemed to work. However, the infection came back stronger, so her doctor prescribed a stronger antibiotic for a longer period of time. Sounds familiar? I had just finished this second antibiotic when he and his wife came into my office on other business. We invariably chatted a bit about his condition and it was all I could do to contain my horror at what had happened. He knew he was on dangerous ground. He just didn’t know how dangerous.

I told him about my experience with a blood-purifying ultraviolet light treatment called UBI or Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, also known as Photoluminescence. He had used it the year before to cure the flu in a single day. If you are interested in learning more about this life-saving therapy, it is one of the topics discussed at The Delaware Conference on Alternative Medicine which will be held in Wilmington in March. More information can be found at

A week later she called to ask for the name and number of the doctor who was two and a half hours from her house. I gave him the information and he booked an appointment for that same week. Two days and two hours after her trip, she got lost and stopped to ask for directions. Returning to her car, she knocked out her knee. She got progressively worse the rest of the day. Since it happened so suddenly, no one thought it was an infection, but she was. It was a yeast infection in the knee joint. An extremely rare condition. His wife told me later that there were only 40 cases of this particular problem.

The UBI treatment worked to control the blood infection, but after two weeks of tests to find out what the other problem was, they decided it was caused by the second antibiotic. His treatment would consist of removing the knee joint, waiting six to eight weeks for the infection to completely clear up, and replacing it with an artificial knee. They put a temporary spacer in his leg. He couldn’t move his knee at all or put pressure on his leg. He was bedridden and in extreme pain the entire time.

Well it took three months for the infection to clear up and another several weeks before the knee replacement was done plus recovery time. In total, five months of his life were stolen by an antibiotic.

common sense medicine

I recently received a third degree burn that removed all the skin and some muscle from a one inch section of my finger. It was really raw. I washed and disinfected it with liquid oxygen and everything was fine for two days. But the Band-Aid slipped off the center during the third night and allowed the infection to set in on that side. Over the course of the next 48 hours, my finger on the infected side of the wound swelled to nearly twice its usual size. Although the skin on that side of the cut was red, the finger was not. It was just swollen and getting worse by the minute as it worked its way down my finger into my hand.

I assumed that the infection was deep inside the finger and that a topical treatment would not work. I knew that if he called my doctor, he would want to see him and then he would prescribe an antibiotic. Since I wasn’t excited about missing work to see him or take the medication, I decided to take the next 24 hours and try to treat it myself. However, not having been in this situation before, all I had was my common sense.

He knew that salt water was good for keeping wounds clean. He also knew that cleaning was not enough. I needed something to kill the bacteria deep in my finger. Did you know that the most powerful natural antibiotic is garlic and grapefruit seed extract kills bacteria on contact. But how could you make these substances work inside your finger at a cellular level?

At first I thought of DMSO. That would probably work, but it would also probably hurt and I don’t like the smell or taste of garlic in my mouth after using it. Then I thought of Active H and its mechanism of action. It can pass through the cell wall and transport nutrients with it. You can also change the pH of cells to create a bioterrain inhospitable to bacteria…definitely worth a try.

I filled a bowl halfway with very hot water and mixed in some sea salt, Active H, garlic, and grapefruit seed extract. I then soaked my hand in the solution for ½ hour. Ready! The next day the swelling had gone down significantly. I did the same thing the next night and the next day my finger was back to normal. Without wasting time from work and without antibiotics.

I imagine it could have worked just as well using just garlic and water, but I don’t know how it would have penetrated without Active H.

The reason I chose hot water over cold water is because that’s what the body does. Increases the temperature at the site of infection because bacteria need a certain temperature to survive and cannot withstand heat for long. Cold may work well for inflammation from other causes, but it would simply put the bacteria into hibernation. But by the time I was done mixing the ingredients and comfortable with my hand, the water was pleasantly warm.

By the way, I used 4 squirts of garlic spray from Omaha Steaks, a tablespoon of Active H powder (about 2 capsules), three drops of grapefruit seed extract, and a little sea salt in about 3 cups of water. I had planned to do this twice a day, morning and night, but my schedule didn’t allow me to do it in the morning. So i left the container in the bathroom sink and the next morning i dunked my hand in it for about 10 seconds after washing.

So if you’re like me and can’t or hate taking antibiotics. Try common sense. It could work.

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