admin Posted on 10:39 pm

How to make him feel like he’s your number 1

Many men are led to believe that in order to make their girl feel special and that she is the number 1 person in their hearts is to continually buy her expensive gifts, but that is simply not true. To be fair, women certainly won’t turn them down when offered.

But, what a girl really wants is to feel like she is the most special person to you and not just an afterthought. These simple steps may not seem like much, but they will make a world of difference to the girl who currently owns your heart.

Little things do count

Many men take bad advice from people who tell them it’s okay not to worry about the little things. Life is about little things. It’s the little things that count the most and get completely overlooked and ignored. While you’re busy searching for the perfect item to show your love for that special girl, be careful not to let her walk away from her because you overlooked a thousand little ways you could have told or shown her how. you feel.

Whatever happens, kiss him hello and goodbye

Life can be so busy at times, our minds are preoccupied with the demands of work and worry about how you are going to make ends meet. But whatever your concerns, you should always say hello and goodbye to your girl, as this leaves her with something to remind you of throughout the day. A kiss costs nothing but says a lot.

Give him a night off once a week

There’s nothing more the average busy wife and mom wants than a night off once a week. This will give her time to relax, unwind and it will feel like a little piece of paradise for her as well as showing her how devoted you really are.

Come home and take charge, plan the evening meal. She organizes the kids and takes care of the kitchen cleaning tasks while she relaxes as she pleases.

Leave her silly little love notes

This may sound really silly to you, but these are the things you will read thousands of times for years to come. She’ll put them in a nice little box for storage and pull them out whenever things get a little rough between the two of you to remind each other of how you really feel.

You don’t have to waste time and spend a ridiculous amount of money to show her that she is your number 1, all you need is a couple of small gestures and she will know that she is special and loved by you.

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