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How to Repair a Flat Roof

Repair a Flat Roof

Most flat roofs have a slight slope for drainage, but if the drains are blocked or the eaves poorly constructed, water can leak into your home. Repairing a flat roof is a relatively simple process and is much less expensive than replacing the roof itself. Remember to work safely on the roof and use a fall prevention harness when working on ladders. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions for the specific flat roofing material used in your home.

The first step in flat roof repair is to seal any cracks or gaps. For this, you’ll need a caulk or roofing cement that is compatible with your flat roof material. Before you apply the sealant, make sure that the cracked area is clean and free of dust or dirt. This will allow the patching compound to adhere properly. Also, check that there is enough ballast to keep the cracked area in place (e.g. gravel). If there isn’t, it may be necessary to add more, in order to prevent the leaks from reoccurring.

It’s also important to remember that water will travel the least resistant path, which could mean that the crack or gap is actually further away from the source of the leak than you think. To locate the actual leak location, go indoors and look for areas of water dripping or discoloration of drywall and/or Barrie Roofing decking. Mark these spots and use a ladder to access the roof, so you can inspect the cracks more closely.

How to Repair a Flat Roof

Flat roofs last up to 25 years with regular maintenance, so identifying and repairing small problems preserves your investment. One common spot that leaks occur is at seams, where pieces of the membrane overlap and can be attacked by water. First, examine the damage from inside and estimate its location. Go to the roof and note where water stains appear on the ceiling, walls or other structures. Look for dripping water, dark spots in the ceiling decking or drywall and any other indications of leaks.

Before starting work, clear the repair area of debris that might obstruct your efforts. Dry the surface of the membrane with old cotton towels before proceeding to repair the damage. Spread an even layer of roofing cement over the damaged area. Cut a piece of patch membrane to cover the damage and place it over the roofing cement. Spread more cement over the patch and sprinkle with gravel to protect it from sunlight.

Keeping your flat roof well-maintained will save you time, money and worry in the long run. Check it after any harsh weather like storms or heavy rains, ensuring that it is free of debris and that water is flowing off the roof properly. You should also sweep the roof regularly and ensure that your gutters are clear of debris, as clogged gutters can cause leaks on the flat roof surface.

If you notice a leak, it is essential to act fast and do whatever you can to repair the damage before it worsens. Leaking is a common problem with flat roofs, and it can lead to a host of problems like mold or mildew in the home, high energy bills and ponding water. Begin by cleaning the area around the leak with a broom or scraper, and then apply roofing cement over the damaged areas. You should use a product that matches the material of your flat roof, and spread it a minimum of 2 inches beyond the damaged area.

Name : Barrie Roofing & Repair Contractors 

Address: 279 Yonge St, Barrie, ON,  L4N 7T9 P.O Box#23013

Phone: 705-999-7628

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