admin Posted on 3:27 am

Improve Your Strength Endurance Capacity On The Volleyball Court With These 3 Volleyball Workouts

As you progress through your volleyball games, one particular element that you will want to consider is your endurance and strength capabilities. Doing regular volleyball workouts can help improve this aspect of your fitness so that when you enter the court, you can maintain an optimal level of performance for a longer period of time.

While you won’t need as much stamina for volleyball as you would for, say, a long-distance running event, when the game continues for a longer period of time, you need to maintain good physical and mental tenacity to be ready for the game. ball at all times.

That’s where these volleyball workouts will come into play. They will help ensure that your muscles don’t get fatigued when you play 60-120 seconds straight without a break.

Squat and hold

The first exercise you should do to increase your strength endurance capacity is the squat and hold. To perform this exercise, simply move down to a basic squat and once you are at the lowest point, hold it down for ten seconds before getting up again to complete the rep.

Try to do five reps total before resting for one to two minutes and repeating two more times.

Push up and hold

In addition to squatting and holding, also consider flexing and holding. This exercise should be completed in the same way, moving toward the bottom of the movement pattern, holding in position, and then pressing up again.

When doing this be sure to keep your core muscles tight and tense at all times, however this will keep the body in proper alignment at all times.

Jump lunges

Finally, the last exercise you should do to build muscular strength endurance is jump lunges. Do a series of 20 or more jumping lunges in a row so that fatigue kicks in hard. As you do so, you will force your muscles to keep contracting at all times, ensuring that they can keep playing as you progress through your game.

The last thing you want is for your legs to get tired, as then you won’t have that base of support underneath you.

So keep these exercises in mind while doing your volleyball workouts. Start adding them regularly to your training week and you will find that you have more energy and play better with each game you play.

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