admin Posted on 2:38 pm

Is there ever a cure for eczema? (Here’s the truth explained)

It’s complicated.

More than 3.5% of the world suffers from life-torturing eczema.

More than 230 million people in the world suffer from eczema (2010 data), and it is continuously increasing, the increase in eczema cases has tripled since the last century.

There are more cases and more people are suffering, there are suicides and there is depression.

Is there ever a cure for eczema?

The meaning of “cure” and the number 1 problem with eczema

Let’s first define the meaning of cure. Supposedly, a cure means eliminating a certain problem completely with its root cause, so it doesn’t come back.

But there is a problem with eczema cure, we first have to understand the cause of eczema. Without being able to understand the cause in the first place, no disease can be cured. Currently, the main problem with eczema is that its cause is not 100% known, but that does not mean that it is not known at all.

The two different pathways of eczema

There are two perspectives to consider the cause: hereditary and post-birth.

1). Hereditary cause:

Eczema is an abnormal autoimmune disorder, which means that if your eczema exists as soon as you are born, here are three main explanations:

  1. Through unhealthy or insufficient eating habits, the mother has given sensitivities to the child during pregnancy.
  2. The child was born with a genetic defect, especially genes that are directly related to the functions of skin tissues.
  3. The child has one or more sensitivities towards the surrounding environment.

How do you cure this? Diet changes, because what you eat modifies how your genes express health.

2). Cause after birth:

Most babies develop eczema several months after birth. Because? First, this proves that the eczema that babies have is not hereditary and must be from a cause after birth.

When we talk about the postpartum cause, it means that it is a trigger that causes eczema that exists after birth, which essentially means that this type of eczema is curable.

Most people have postpartum eczema.

What are the possible triggers for eczema after birth? There are many, but let me list 3 common ones:

  1. Environmental, eg air, dust, moisture.
  2. Allergies (abnormal response), for example, to cow’s milk.
  3. Physical disturbance, for example, diaper rash, too tight clothing… etc.

good news and bad news (The truth)

The good news is that eczema caused by post-natal triggers can be eliminated, which means your eczema can be cured. Unless you’re allergic to oxygen, which I don’t think is possible.

The bad news is that most of the time, postpartum causes are difficult and problematic to identify and eliminate. But is there another option?

So this is the truth about eczema, is there really any cure for this skin disease?

I can give you a resounding yes.

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