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Kenya Safari – Kenya’s Best African Safari

Deep in the heart of African safari country, Kenya is everything you ever imagined the dark continent of safaris to be, its very name conjuring up images of vast herds of elephants lumbering over the rolling, grassy plains of the desert. safari under the shadow of the snowy safari mount. Kilimanjaro.

For many, Kenya is synonymous with big game safari, and for good reason. Covering almost two and a half times the size of the United Kingdom (582,600 square kilometers or 255,000 square miles), the country of safaris has more than fifty national safari parks covering 8 percent of its territory, roughly one-third the size of England. Many of its parks are known throughout the world: the Masai Mara safari game reserve with its innumerable and varied fauna; the Amboseli National Park at the foot of Kilimanjaro; Tsavo West and Tsavo East National Parks for their large numbers of elephants; Lake Nakuru National Park for its clouds of pink flamingos. Africa’s premier destination, Kenya offers the chance to see and capture (on film) virtually every species of large safari animal on the continent.

The Safari Big Five, namely buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions and rhinos, are more numerous in Kenya than anywhere else. And they are not alone. You are also likely to come across other safari animals such as cheetahs, herds of baboons and herds of hyenas, yawning hippos and graceful giraffes, warthogs leaping with their stiff, bristling tails in the air, zebras and thousands of antelope, large and small. If you are very lucky, you may have the opportunity to see big cats on safari hunting prey or watch the momentous annual migration of wildebeest. In summer, a huge herd of more than a million animals tramples the savannah of the Masai Mara in search of new grass. As the first animals cross the river driven by the moving hordes approaching from behind, crocodiles lie in wait ready for a tasty meal afterwards. a long fast.

The types of best African safari in Kenya include

wildlife safari in kenya

kenya beach safari

Sports Safari in Kenya

Safari adventure in Kenya

Panoramic Safari in Kenya

Lying from the land of Kenya

Straddling the equator and a cornerstone between the safari shores of the Indian Ocean and Lake Vitoria, Kenya has two distinct sides to its character shaped by the circumstances of its history and geography. For one thing, the area along the coast has steadily absorbed and adapted foreign influence since Arab navigators landed there in the 8th and 9th centuries. But the mysterious interior remained in the hands of the local tribes until the 19th century undisturbed apart from the murderous incursions of the slave trade. It is here in Kenya, on the high plains and along the Rift Valley, Kenya, that most of Kenya’s national parks are located. and the Kenya Game Reserve meet today. It is virtually impossible to define a natural unit; Kenya is made up of a veritable kaleidoscope of fascinating landscapes and personalities

Some of the best Kenya animal safari sites, places and national parks in Kenya are

maasai mara national park

Amboseli National Park

tsavo national park

Mount Kenya National Park

Samburu National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park

Aberdare National Park

Meru National Park

Nairobi National Park Kenya

Lake NaivashaKenya

Hellsgate National Park

A visit to any of the above Kenyan national safari parks is guaranteed to bring you unforgettable memories. You will have countless opportunities to observe wildlife.

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