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One Man’s God Is Another Man’s Devil: The Pragmatics Behind the Golden Compass Controversy

I find it interesting that so many people are upset by the idea that perhaps their God may be someone else’s idea of ​​the Devil himself and that the movie The Golden Compass seems to give the idea that traditional religious thinking of good and evil can be in question No one likes to have their religious beliefs questioned. When it happens, most people get angry, offended, or even show shock.

But what they forget is that religion is based on what you believe and if YOU believe it, “it’s true”. But to me that’s just bad logic. If you think about it pragmatically, you will find that just because you believe does not mean that everyone else believes. It just means that YOU believe it.

Phillip Pullman (the author of the series on which the recently released children’s film The Golden Compass is based) does not believe in God. Many say that his books are an attempt to cultivate atheism in children. First of all, they are fiction. Second, when you think about it pragmatically, they are a fair representation of today’s religious variations.

Throughout history, the definition of good and the definition of evil have changed many times. The only constant is that they are opposites. What is good is not bad and what is bad is not good. However, this isn’t very helpful when you consider that millions of people have opposing ideas and definitions about everything from plant life to decorating. So when you bring something as surreal and intangible as religion into the arena of controversy, you better be ready for the show.

The only important definition is the definition we decide about ourselves, personally, that applies to our individual lives. My definition of good and evil works for me. Explain my world. Your definition of good and evil might not fit my world.

It doesn’t mean the rest of the world is wrong. In most world religions there are 10 to 50 different groups or “persuasions” within that religion who think that the other people within the “big umbrella” of their religion are WRONG.

Ask that; Be a pragmatic thinker. How can it be? And this is in addition to the hundreds of world religions that don’t even worship the same “God” or worship any “God” at all.

So to say that your religion is being questioned or that good can be really bad and bad can be good is not just a logical thought, that’s the way things are; It is a reflection of the current reality. Faith or belief is an interesting thing.

I can believe that God is a radish and if I believe it long enough and strongly enough, I can see my life change and see great miracles (unexplained events explained by my belief) because of my devotion to my radish. It is possible that the radish really gives me great blessings of great joy and magnitude because I believe. I can pray to the radish and the radish answers my prayers. I can love my radish and my radish (God) can love me. If I believe that it is so… IT IS.

And please don’t challenge my deeply held religious beliefs about the radish that brings so much joy to my life. I don’t want to hear it. And the same is true of the Gods we choose to worship and believe in, and our ideas of good and evil.

For example, “kill in the name of God” is good. But good for whom? Certainly not people who are dead. I’m sure the dead would see that as a bad thing. So if God is in the mix, we don’t really know what is good and what is bad, let alone good and evil. Your belief in YOUR God changes everything. Thus, “One man’s God is another man’s Devil. Can they both be right?”

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