admin Posted on 2:59 am

Ovens: the right one for your kitchen

Now more than ever, due to the different types of cooking methods and styles of ovens available, people are confused as to which oven option is best for them when redesigning or building a new kitchen in their homes. We hope the information provided below will help make the decision about the right oven for your kitchen much easier.

First of all, we come to the conventional oven that normally uses gas or electricity (heating element) to provide heat to the oven to cook food. Unfortunately with this style of oven there seems to be a problem which is that the heat doesn’t always dissipate evenly throughout the oven and you may only be able to cook one dish at a time (even if you have room for more).

Then we come to the convection oven, which uses a fan inside to move hot air around the oven and this results in more even heat being dissipated around the entire oven, meaning all racks can be used effectively. Another advantage of a convection oven is that they are more energy efficient, not only reaching the required temperature faster, but they can also be used to cook at lower temperatures. As mentioned above, these styles of ovens have a fan-assisted or fan-forced delivery system to dissipate heat more evenly around the oven. For those fan assisted ovens you will find the heating element/gas flame and fan are separate, typically the heat source is at the bottom of the oven and the fan at the back. Whereas if you have a fan forced oven, you will find that both the heating element and the gas flame are surrounded by the fan. In some cases, you may even find that your oven is a combination oven, which means that it is both a conventional and a convection oven. Then there are some combi ovens which are both a microwave oven and a convection oven and this has a number of advantages over a regular convection oven, not only can you cook food faster in it but you will find that it is even used Less energy than a normal convection oven. regular convection oven.

Another thing to consider when buying an oven for your kitchen is the space where it will be located. Some ovens can be installed on a wall, others under a counter, and some are part of a traditional range and oven combination. Then other people will see how easy it will be to clean the oven. A standard oven will have to be cleaned the old fashioned way (using oven cleaner, scouring pad, and a fair amount of effort). However, if you wish, you can purchase self-cleaning ovens that feature a super high temperature setting that is used when the oven is empty and the door is locked. This style of oven will burn any food left in the oven to ash and all you have to do is wipe it off with a damp sponge or cloth. But if you don’t want to get dirty, then consider using your vacuum cleaner to get rid of the ash and dust that has been produced. Or you may decide to purchase a continuous-clean oven that has a special surface that helps absorb and spread spillovers that appear during cooking and can burn at a lower temperature. These styles of ovens can be cleaned periodically with a damp sponge or cloth, just like the self-cleaning oven. Unfortunately, any larger spillovers that occur in this type of oven will need to be removed using the traditional method of using oven cleaner and effort. It is advisable to clean spillovers as soon as possible, otherwise if left on too long they will become a permanent feature of the oven.

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