admin Posted on 11:52 am

Registration method and its shortcomings explained

The most vital source to obtain vital statistics data is the registration technique that consists of the incessant and permanent registration of vital events, pertaining to births, deaths, migrations, marriages, etc. These data, in addition to their statistical utility, have their value as legal documents. The registration of births performed in this world provides all the details about the place of birth, sex, age and religion of the parents, legitimacy, number of previous descendants and their respective sexes, occupation of the father and place of birth of the parents. Similarly, the death record provides all the information on the place of death, age, sex, marital status, place of birth, occupation, number of descendants, and cause of death. A similar type of information is also obtained with respect to marriages and migrants.

Many countries require mandatory registration of births and deaths under their laws. For example, each new birth that occurs must be reported to the authorities along with detailed information. Similarly, the death, marriage and migration of an individual or group of people are also recorded for future needs of any statistical study or government needs.

Shortcomings of the registration method:

In most nations, it is observed that there is no legislation in rural areas that registers vital events such as birth, death, marriage and migration. When we calculate the national mortality or fatality rate, such regions are grossly neglected and the result is definitely not correct. In such cases, statisticians take calculation errors but still the result is not 100% accurate because the minimum 10-20% of the population is neglected due to lack of registration process. This is one of the main drawbacks of this registration process.

It also appears in many cases that the individual who is responsible for keeping records of such vital statistics is not very severe in discharging the responsibility, resulting in improper record keeping of these vital events.

If you have a strong intention towards statistics and want to establish a career in this field, then you need to understand each and every part very clearly. Most statistics students know how to solve statistical problems but are unaware of its implementation or uses. It is very important that you get the proper guidance to understand the need for each method in real life so that you can make the best use of your knowledge. A private tutor expert in statistics can help you clear up all your doubts and provide you with in-depth knowledge on the subject.

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