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technology in the classroom

In the field of technology, the word disruptive is used for a technology or innovation that causes a radical change in the way an industry works by introducing efficiency, affordability and convenience. The technological revolution in the business sector is represented by the extensive use of smartphones or web conferencing in American offices. However, the impact of disruptive technology in the education sector is much greater. A wave of smart classrooms and e-learning has transformed the way education is delivered and pursued today.

The presence of technology in the classroom turns the student into an active learner instead of a passive one. The educational system becomes more student-centered. The student can choose, manipulate and generate what she wants to study and how. The student himself creates the learning environment and the way to get the lessons. e-learning it has made the education system more convenient and flexible. The student can learn through their own choice of platform. The role of the teacher also changes, since he is no longer the only source of knowledge. He becomes a mentor and is responsible for providing guidance and resources to students.

This system increases a student’s self-esteem and motivation levels as they become an active participant in the entire learning process. It is known that a student learns more by listening and visualizing than simply reading. The use of activity-based audiovisuals in classrooms generates more interest in the lesson being taught. E-learning portals make education available to those students who previously did not have access to it. Students of all ages access different courses and methods at their own choice of time and place. It makes the entire educational system more dynamic and student-friendly.

One of the challenges facing the system is that its standard test model is not adapted to the speed and varied ways of learning of children. Some students respond faster to the audiovisual, while for others the response time is relatively slow. However, the challenge can be transformed into an opportunity by teachers. Teachers can use traditional forms of teaching for regular teaching. K-12 electronic classroom methods can be used simultaneously, depending on the different learning ability of students, for example, to improve the performance of weaker students.

The use of technology in the classroom encourages creative and original thinking in students as it presents monotonous lessons in a very interesting and innovative way. The process intrigues and stimulates students. Activity- and project-based learning is appreciated and encouraged. American universities were once considered the best in the world, but now they are striving to catch up in profitability with their global peers while delivering through the K-12 system.

The concept of smart classroom and e-learning is a revolution in itself as it makes the country’s educational system dynamic, efficient, student-centered and flexible. There are certain challenges that are being addressed and will soon be overcome with the introduction of new technologies, techniques and processes.

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