admin Posted on 5:40 am

The importance of power saving time

The problem facing the world right now is global warming that threatens our mother earth. Due to energy being wasted due to global warming, an energy shortage is now occurring. This is the reason why the electric companies keep increasing the bill. So, due to these circumstances, we have to deal with the energy problem and the solution they have is to go with energy saving time. They call this “Earth Hour”, which was actually a hit in terms of energy savings. We don’t need to wait for Earth time to be observed just to save energy; we can do this as often as we can in our own home.

In addition to saving energy, observing the energy time can also help us reduce our electrical costs and at the same time help mother earth. As mentioned above, we can practice saving energy and money within our own home. A good example of this is when we turn off some electrical appliances that we have, but the cable is still plugged in thinking that it does not consume energy.

Always make sure that when you turn off any appliance in your home you unplug the cord to ensure that it does not consume power. One more thing is that when we turn something on we make sure it needs to be used. Since, for example, it is raining, you do not need to turn on the air conditioning as the weather is not that warm anyway. The same with turning off the lights that you do not need to use is also another way to save energy.

When we say energy saving time it does not only mean that we are only saving energy. We are also saving water. The most common source of energy comes from hydroelectric power. Since water is a common source of our energy, it means that if we don’t have enough water supply, we will also have less electricity supply. With this fact, you are telling us that we need to conserve water as much as possible. Some examples would be fixing our water line that is leaking or damaged or minimizing our shower time. If it takes around 10 minutes to shower, you can minimize it to 5 minutes if it’s okay for you. Through this you are conserving a lot of water.

Practicing daylight savings time in our home can actually help us minimize our financial expenses and also our survival. This practice will not only help us with the effects of global warming, but at the same time it will protect the future of our children.

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