admin Posted on 7:45 pm

The Intuitive Warrior: Lessons from a Navy SEAL on Unleashing Your Hidden Potential by Michael Jaco

“The Intuitive Warrior: Lessons from a Navy SEAL on Unlocking Your Hidden Potential” by Michael Jaco was nothing like what I expected. I was surprised and also very happy to have read this book. I hope others will read it and really think about the messages that Jaco shares. Again, I didn’t expect to hear a former SEAL discussing love, higher powers, intuition as you do it, spiritual thoughts, ancient knowledge of civilizations like the Mayans, and the Law of Attraction. Nor did I expect to find quotes and references to Eckhart Tolle, Esther and Jerry Hicks, and the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” But then, I realize, why should I be surprised? I’m a former army sniper and paratrooper myself, and I’m familiar with all of those references, and I also really enjoyed Jaco’s perspectives, stories, and guidance in this book. It’s just not the kind of reading that most people would expect from a former SEAL, with the way our culture portrays them as the best tough guys, it shoots everyone, guys.

Yes, they are tough guys, and some of the stories in this book about training prove it. I was reminded of my time doing log exercises, which in no way equaled the log exercises that those going through SEAL training had to perform, but at least it gave me a first-hand perspective of how hard the training was, and I remembered how Mind is what helped me overcome some of the toughest physical challenges that came my way in the Army, and helped me relate to Jaco and his message even stronger.

However, you don’t have to be a former military man to benefit from reading this book. Jaco wrote it so nonmilitaries could learn from their military experiences. And not the tough guy shoot em up experiences, though he has plenty of those too, but the intuitive experiences that address a warrior’s emotional state, rather than physical state. We often want to think that warriors have no emotions, that they are emotionless killing machines. That’s far from the truth, and Jaco’s chapter on how emotions are a catalyst for greatness illustrates this. And this ancient SEAL, this warrior, recognizes that the most powerful force in the universe is love. It is not something you expect from the face painted on the cover, but a very powerful message.

Throughout the book, the stories and examples are intended to help the reader awaken the intuition within himself. Indeed, in the epilogue, Jaco states, “I hope the words in this book have provided you with inspiration and hope for an awakening of intuition within you, an awakening to the understanding that you are a powerful being and that what you do in life it matters to everyone and everything else in this our world. ” I think this book is a good start for people to think about intuition and its power in their lives. After reading this book, I hope that people will be more aware and pay attention, and as Jaco encourages, to keep doing great things.

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