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Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Klout Score

Klout is an online social influence measurement tool. With Klout, you can get a rough idea of ​​how powerful someone’s social media influence is. Klout is compatible with all major social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Klout links all of your social media accounts and knows what your interests are so it can more accurately measure and post your influence.

There are many things you can do to improve your Klout score. Since Klout is mostly based on online factors, if you can change those factors online, your Klout score will increase accordingly.

Your Klout score is a 90-day moving average. That means that even if you execute all of these tips perfectly, it will take some time before your score reflects your new level of online activity.

Tip #1: Create Shareable Content

If people want to share your content, your social influence will increase. The best way to make people want to share your content is to create content that is worth sharing. If you don’t spend enough time on your content, great marketing will be wasted. To find topics that people are interested in, you can use the Google Keyword Tool.

Tip #2: Use Social Media as Your Community

Many people try to create their own community by starting a new forum on their website, but it can be difficult to get started. On the other hand, creating a Facebook group or a specific Twitter hashtag for your audience is an easy way to build a community. If there are a couple of posts a day, then your group will look active. This social media activity will also increase your Klout score.

Tip #3: Release big news on social media

Are you launching a contest or challenge? Announce it on social media instead of sending it via email. Launching a new product? First tell people about it on social media. Use social networks to excite people. For example, when I launch products or challenges, I announce it on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Harness the power of your breaking news by getting people talking about it on social media. This will help increase your Klout score.

Tip #4 – Link all your social networks

By default, Klout tracks your main social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. You must link all of your social networks so that Klout can include them when calculating your social influence. You should link to them even if you don’t really use those other social networks. If you see that this negatively affects your Klout score, you can unbind them.

Tip #5 – Ask your audience questions

One way to increase activity on your social networks is to engage your audience. The best way to engage your audience is to ask questions. Give people the opportunity to share their opinions. You can also ask questions that give them a chance to “toot their own horn.” In general, people like to talk about themselves. You may also want to set up a survey. This is very easy to do on Facebook.

Here are five ways to increase your Klout score. Some of these tips focus on increasing your social engagement, while others focus on expanding your reach. Both of these methods will help give your Klout score the boost you’re looking for.

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