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Types of Continuing Education For Nurses

Continuing Education For Nurses

Continuing education is important for nurses, regardless of the level of their career. Not only does it ensure that they continue to be at the forefront of nursing practice, but it can also help them avoid potential legal pitfalls. It may also improve their chances for advancement and promotion. As a bonus, it’s good for their personal development as well.

Most states require that Nursing CEUs attend certain types of continuing education, and many specialty certifications require a specific type of training. Some of these courses are required for a certain specialty, while others are optional, or may be chosen by the employer. Nursing ethics and nursing jurisprudence are two of the mandatory types of continuing education for nurses.

For nurses, continuing education must meet certain requirements in order to maintain their license. For example, LPNs must complete 15 contact hours every two years, while RNs must complete thirty hours per year. In addition, RNs must complete two hours of cultural competency. For the most part, the types of continuing education for nurses have to be relevant to their job duties.

Types of Continuing Education For Nurses

Continuing education for nurses must be accredited by accredited organizations. These programs are available through nursing schools, professional associations, course directories, and peer-reviewed publications. Continuing education for nurses can help nurses keep up with the latest developments in the field, protect healthcare institutions from legal liability, and develop the skills they need for their next career move.

Nursing continuing education courses can be skill-based, or they can focus on broader topics, such as “soft” skills such as communication, emotional intelligence, and LGBTQ healthcare. These courses may help nurses become more compassionate and effective caregivers. The information they learn could make a difference in the quality of care a patient receives.

As diverse as the field of nursing itself, CE courses are also as varied. Some are provided online, while others are held in traditional classrooms. They may be tax deductible or available through state nursing associations. You should consult with your state nursing board before taking a course, and take advantage of the growing number of online resources to enhance your professional development.

Many states also require nurses to complete specific types of CE. For example, New York nurses must take courses on Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Infection Control. In Michigan, nurses must take a course in Pain Management. The rest of the hours are up to the nurse. Depending on the specific requirements in your state, your continuing education could include courses on any or all of these topics.

Continuing education is important not only because it’s required in many states, but because it can advance your nursing career and improve the quality of patient care. The healthcare field is always evolving, and it’s important to stay current with the latest innovations to provide the best care possible.

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