admin Posted on 7:52 pm

We all live in the Sandler submarine

Want to earn more money and have more fun at your sales booth? Easy, just master the art of identifying your potential client’s pain. To do this, you need to have a sales methodology or system. That’s where the proven Sandler sales system comes in. It is not easy, but very manageable.

Sandler uses a visual aid to help show his sales process. We call it the Sandler Submarine:

The Sandler submarine has 7 chambers or steps in its process and moves from left to right. If an actual submarine is in distress, the crew closes each other’s chamber in an effort to prevent the sub from sinking. It works in much the same way with the Sandler system. Take care of every step of the way and you have a much better chance of avoiding a sinking deal. In fact, with a proven systematic approach to sales, you stand a good chance for consistent positive results.

Having good sales techniques is like fueling your submarine, it makes it work. However, without an established system, random techniques will only produce random results. In the Sandler System, uncovering the potential customer’s pain is the engine that ties it all together and leads to consistent success.


Most people have a system or at least habits that they fall back on when it comes to many daily routines, such as showering, getting ready for work, and even on their daily commutes. Coins a system that works for you and, in general, in the most efficient way, or at least what you perceive as the most efficient way. So if sales are your livelihood, doesn’t it make sense to have a proven process or system that produces great results?

Achieving great results will make your sales job more profitable for you and even make sales fun. Yes fun. Winning is fun and getting more offers means more profit. So get on the Sandler Submarine and enjoy the ride. The seven proven steps will ensure you do whatever it takes to uncover your prospects’ pain and pain – the key to getting more and better deals.


The seven steps are briefly described below. Keep in mind that the first two will be constant in your sales discussion, which means that you will need them throughout the entire process. The last five steps are sequential reference events that you will complete and close, like an airtight seal on a submarine, before proceeding with any prospects. We will delve deeper into each step in future blog posts.

1. Bonding and communication

The first step is to establish bonds and relationships. It is important that you like, respect and trust your potential customer. We use many tools like DISC Y NLP to help us establish a strong bonding and communication process.

2. Initial contract

The initial contract is a verbal agreement (sometimes written by email) between you and the potential client about what will happen in your current and / or future discussions. It sets the table and, in many cases, expectations for both parties when it comes to a sales meeting. In the Sandler System, we use the five-step acronym DUCK, to establish guidelines for the initial contract.

P is for the purpose of discussion or meeting

TO Is the Agenda yours, what topics would you like to discuss?

TO It is for your Agenda, what topics would you like to address

T is to set an amount of time needed for the meeting that is appropriate to the issues being discussed

OR is for a Result that is acceptable … Yes, No, or a future meeting.

3. Bread

In the Pain Step, marketers aim to uncover three to five points of deep-seated emotional needs: the pain. If they find no pain, the prospect is disqualified. Without pain there is no gain. Go to the next deal.

4. Budget

Assuming the prospect has three, four, or five pains, proceed to the fourth step, which is called the Budget Step. In the Budget Step, you seek to find out what the prospect will pay, if anything, to ease the pain. You need to find out if there is money available to deal with this problem. All the resources that the potential client will need to commit to your project must be agreed here.

5. Decision

This fifth step, the decision step, is sometimes called the final initial contract. This is because in this step you come to an agreement with the prospect and confirm that you have the authority to make a decision in their favor. You and the prospect agree that after sharing with the prospect how you intend to work with him, solve his problems, and ease his pain, he or she will make a decision.

6. Compliance

We call the presentation the Compliance Step. This sixth step begins with salespeople reviewing the pain, budgeting, and decision steps above and sharing recommendations on what they would specifically do to ease that pain. When sellers “fulfill the pain”, They offer the potential customer products and services that solve the problem, and nothing else.

7. After sales

This seventh step, the post-sale step, occurs after the sale is closed. It has three purposes. The first is to verify any buyer’s regret and address it if it exists. (Wouldn’t you rather hear that now than later when you’re not face-to-face with the prospect?) The second is to get introductions or referrals, or if you prefer, set the stage for getting them later. in the relationship. The third is to discuss the next steps and details of the delivery schedule and provide the transfers to others in your organization. This step ensures that you have a smooth transition to the next stage of your customer relationship.

It is important that you follow the seven steps of the system in the order that they are set out. They are specifically organized to ensure that you can move smoothly through the sales cycle without “missing a spot.” I hope to see more in depth each step in future blogs. Stay tuned.

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