admin Posted on 7:22 pm

What is a plant whisperer?

All things are made of changing energy particles, even our thoughts and emotions. The coffee mug on your desk looks and feels solid, but it’s not. You and I are not solid. Everything in the universe is made of energy and everything moves.

There are people so sensitive to the energy of other living things that they can place their hands on a plant and detect not only the nuances of the plant’s energy field, but also the various natural chemicals within the plant that make up its living system. Images of the internal physical structure of the plant may appear in your mind. These people can sense the physical and emotional state of the plant and communicate with it.

I call this group of people “Plant Whisperers” and affirm that I am proud to be a member of the group.

Many successful gardeners are plant whisperers and aren’t even aware of it. They are so in tune with the vibratory energy of your plants that they can sense when something is wrong or about to go wrong in your garden in the same way that plants communicate with each other. The successful gardener becomes a member of the plant community.

Science has shown that plants live in communities. When danger threatens, a caterpillar infestation, for example, a warning accelerates through the plant’s root network or underground corridors to other plants to boost their chemical and energy production and discourage pests. Science has also shown that after an insect chews on a plant leaf, the plant raises the level of the chemical in the leaf to try to ruin its taste. When given the option most of the time, the insect will move on to a new leaf.

However, how does a Plant Whisperer receive communication from a plant?

I can only speak for myself. When I communicate with a plant, I first feel the energy of its aura, the energy that flows through everything in the universe, as I do with a person or an animal.

As I meditate on the energy of the plant, I gradually move deeper into its energy until I begin to feel the consciousness of the plant. Plant awareness is especially strong with trees.

Once I have contacted the plant consciousness, I quietly and respectfully introduce myself and offer Reiki energy, a healing energy therapy, to the plant. A plant will respond in the weakest voice imaginable in the back of my mind that conveys a specific feeling, warmth, curiosity, appreciation or, in the case of a certain scarred oak, suspicion (it has endured years of people carving its initials on her trunk.)

I often get mental images of the inner workings of the plant at this point. In my mind, I follow the Reiki energy to the roots and through the layers of veins in the stem or trunk to the many leaves.
After the Reiki session, which can last a long time because plants love to wallow in Reiki energy, I silently wish the plant a courteous goodbye and promise to visit later. So I feel like the power cables are coming apart from us instead of having to cut them myself.

A truly remarkable communication that I experienced happened between a potted Heliotrope that I saved from the garbage can at a local nursery and myself.

When I found the heliotrope, it was a pitiful sight with its only stem and few leaves. I took it home, transplanted it into a larger pot, watered it well, and then soaked it with Reiki energy. After that, I put her pot on a window sill and turned my attention to my laptop.

As I wrote, I became aware of a feeling of gratitude and love. I was alone in the room except for my pigeon, and she was sleeping. Perhaps my late mother was visiting again. Yet why would my mother’s spirit be grateful to me? I didn’t feel her or any other spirits in the room, so I shook my head and wrote again.

The feeling of gratitude and love became overwhelming. It surrounded me. Bewildered, I looked around me. My gaze fell on the heliotrope. Could it be that the almost comatose plant I saved was conscious?

I placed my right hand gently on the stem of the plant. A smile bloomed on my face as a soft, warm feeling of love flowed through me. The Heliotrope was happy and grateful to me for saving him. I told him I was expecting flowers in a relationship. The plant delivered a few weeks later when it produced fragrant blue flowers.

Can anyone become a fully conscious Plant Whisperer? I think so, but the time it takes for each person to communicate with our ecological brothers will depend on how open and informed each person is. The success of a person would also depend on his willingness to meditate, find his inner Still Point and a lot of patience. Person A could take years to communicate with a plant, while Person B would only need a few days or weeks. Possessing a strong sense of intuition is an invaluable springboard toward clear communication with plants.

Each person would also need to reevaluate how they think about the plant world. You cannot hide your true emotions or intentions from a plant. A plant will feel the truth in its energy field. If you don’t respect plants as living beings, plants won’t communicate with you. Instead, they will go into defensive mode, like the poor scarred oak tree.

Some people talk to animals while others talk to the wise plant kingdom. We have a lot to learn from the plant world! All you have to do is listen.

By the way, roses really have to do with love.

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