admin Posted on 10:34 pm

What potty training tips are the most effective?

We all know that every child is different psychologically, emotionally, and socially, but somehow every parent is constantly looking for a universal answer to potty training. This is partly due to the fact that buying diapers is expensive and keeping your child in them is a hassle you want to see an end to. However, because children are so different, you should expect a variety of potty training tips to be available.

Depending on who you ask, you’ll hear various tips that may or may not be helpful to you and your child. One of the most common tips is to give your child as much as he wants to drink, to make sure he goes to the bathroom often during potty training time. While this gives you more opportunities to train them, it also gives them more opportunities to make a mistake and you could end up doing nothing but creating a lot more work for yourself.

There are some potty training tips that involve using an anatomically correct doll. These work for some children as a way to model good behavior. By showing the doll that she goes to the bathroom and receiving a reward afterwards, the child learns that if she does the same behavior, she will also receive praise. Unfortunately, not all children are psychologically advanced enough to follow such training.

Other potty training tips involve having multiple toilets throughout the house so your child can go when they need to. You can choose to buy them “big boy” or “big girl” pants with their favorite cartoon character that will enhance the potty training fun. Finally, by making a big deal out of their progress (ie, praising them), they’ll be more willing to keep trying.

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