admin Posted on 1:39 pm

Wondering what happens to lottery winners? see FTA "The lottery changed my life"

Have you ever wondered what happens to lottery winners after they hit a big jackpot? Initially, these winners are part of a press conference to announce them as the big winners. They tell their story and explain what they intend to do with their newfound wealth. But then, they fade out of the spotlight and are never heard from again.

Yes, most lottery winners are never heard from again, but some are. We usually get updated on jackpot winners when something bad happens. That could include things like going bankrupt, like what happened to Andrew Jackson Whittaker, who lost all of his money after winning $315 million on Powerball. Or it could include being arrested, as he was with Callie Rogers, a £1.9m earner who was subsequently arrested for selling cocaine. Or it could include being murdered, as he was to Abraham Shakespeare, a $31 million Florida Lotto winner whose remains were found entombed in a cement tomb.

From these kinds of stories, you might think that winning the lottery is a curse and that only bad things can come out of it. But you have to remember, the media don’t usually report things until something happens and that “something” is usually bad. Fortunately, if you really want to know what happens to lottery winners, TLC has a TV show called “The Lottery Changed My Life” that shows winners from around the world.

Many of the winners of TLC’s The Lottery Changed My Life television show have done great things. For example, the show covered Brad Duke, a $220 million Powerball big winner who invested his money and made it grow, or Cynthia Stafford, a $112 million Mega Millions winner who donated big money to the arts and even started her own successful producer.

The Lottery Changed My Life offers a better indication of what life is like for big lottery winners than the news. If you are interested in this topic, be sure to watch the program. Just search the listings on TLC; it even airs reruns for people who missed the original broadcast.

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