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5 Common Misconceptions About Church Technology

Church technology is not new. The idea that the use of technology in the church is somehow wrong, ineffective, or unprecedented is a misconception. God’s people have always used technology to further the kingdom. Perhaps the confusion comes in the definition of technology.

Technology can be defined as the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications.

What is church technology?

church technology then it can be defined as the use of methods, processes or knowledge to further the goals and mission of the church. Three great examples of the use of technology are found in the Holy Bible:

Noah used processes, methods or technological knowledge to build the ark, with the purpose of preserving the human race.

David defeated Goliath with a slingshot, once a high-tech weapon.

Solomon used the best technology available to him, in the form of stonemasons, carpenters, silversmiths, and surveyors, to build the temple.

So from the very beginning, you can dismiss the misconception that:

1. “The church does not use Technology.”

One of the largest uses of technology was the application of the printing press to mass-produce copies of the Holy Bible. Johannes Gutenberg, considered the inventor of the printing press. he used technology to mass-produce books and rapidly spread knowledge in 15th-century Europe. The Gutenburg Bible is an early use of church technology to spread the gospel.

2. “Older parishioners will not accept technology.”

This is a common belief based largely on assumptions. Not only is this not true, but a study by Dunham and Company showed that online donations among those 65 and older were equal to those of younger people. Older Americans have traditionally been the last to adopt technology. But according to the Pew Research Center. Seniors are embracing technology at an astonishing rate. In 2013, 59% were Internet users.

3. “Technology will be our problem”

The technology itself isn’t bad, but it’s not infallible either. It’s all in how it’s applied. The problem arises when church technology becomes a substitute for human interaction. People and churches require physical connection and human interaction to survive. Church technology should encourage and enhance, but not replace, the human part of the church experience.

4. “All technologies are equal” and 5. “It costs nothing.”

Due to open source technology, an increasing number of tools and applications are available for free or at very little cost.

This is not to say that there are no costs involved with the development and use of this technology. We often don’t realize the time, labor, and testing involved in development, not to mention support and updates.

Just because you pay for something doesn’t guarantee robust technology or have more inherent value or functionality. Price does not always indicate value. Tight church budgets require a plan. That plan requires not only time and education, but also financial resources.

Church Tech should mean improvement, not replacement

Church technology can enhance, but should not replace, good old-fashioned Christian fellowship. As with anything, you must proceed with a plan and good management in mind.

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