admin Posted on 6:43 pm

5 tips to prevent and eliminate facial wrinkles

Do you have problems with those dreaded wrinkles? These unsightly lines are traces left by many years of stress and worry that can be removed and, better yet, prevented! Here are some tips and tricks you can employ to get rid of wrinkles or even prevent them!

  1. You are what you eat.
    By eating the right foods, you can prevent wrinkles from appearing. Foods like fruits, leafy vegetables, lean meat, and fish are good for your body, especially your skin! Your body needs the proper nutrients and by providing just what it needs, that body of yours will do its magic by keeping your skin healthy and fresh. Needless to say, it will definitely prevent wrinkles on your skin.
  2. of stress
    Here’s another tip to prevent wrinkles from seeping all over your face. Stay away from stressful events as you humanly can, however, there are many things that we cannot control, so it is critical that we learn how to deal with stress and more importantly, reduce or better yet eradicate it. . Some ideas you can adopt are talking to a close friend, taking a breather, meditating, or even doing what you enjoy most! When all else fails, take a break and go on vacation. Believe it or not, by loosening it up, it can prevent wrinkles!
  3. Changes in lifestyle.
    If you are constantly exposing your skin to harmful UV rays, or if you are a smoker, now is the time to make a lifestyle change. UV rays penetrate the skin and promote the formation of wrinkles, while smoking excites a gene that causes the skin to age prematurely. You should avoid tanning your skin, naturally or in a tanning salon, as both methods of tanning produce harmful rays that cause your skin to age faster than it should.
  4. Apply creams.
    The sheer number of face creams aimed at reducing or eliminating wrinkles on the market is mind-boggling. How do we know which ones work and which ones are fake? Well, be on the lookout for products that contain vitamin A, also called tretinoin. This vitamin can correct the destruction caused by the sun and its relentless UV rays by applying it to the skin daily. What this does is it will give your skin a new lease of life by shedding the old skin. This means you have to experience redness and peeling before you get better, wrinkle-free skin.
  5. Work your skin.
    It may seem impossible to reverse what aging and stress have done to you, but wrinkle removal is no myth! You can get rid of wrinkles by engaging your skin in some kind of firming exercises, these exercises tone the skin around your face, giving a lifting effect and thus getting rid of wrinkles.

As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Take care of your skin and it will take care of you!

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