admin Posted on 5:15 pm

asbestos is harmful

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral, which is microscopic in nature. This mineral has long been used in the construction industry. It is mainly used in flooring, roofing, insulation, fire protection and other building materials. If used carefully and correctly, they do not cause any harm.

Asbestos is considered deadly if not handled carefully by a professional or someone like a homeowner who is fully aware of asbestos and the implications involved. However, this was not known to the people for a long time. As a result, people were exposed and in danger of getting sick from the use of asbestos. What is even worse is the fact that the signs and symptoms of asbestos-associated diseases can begin to manifest after a period of between 5 and 20 years.

Asbestos has adverse health effects. It causes deadly diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and diffuse pleural thickening, to name a few. Asbestos is naturally carcinogenic: if asbestos materials and content are damaged or disturbed, asbestos fibers break apart and become airborne; consequently, asbestos is considered to be in its most dangerous form, as it can be inhaled into the lungs.

Asbestos-related diseases are known to be more severe with greater and longer exposure to harmful materials. However, there is no known standard measure of a safe level when it comes to asbestos exposure. It is imperative to note that asbestos causes headaches and muscle aches, as people have been led to believe. Its effects are rather long-term, appearing many years after exposure to asbestos.

While asbestos dust is visible to the human eye, once it spins and becomes airborne, it can no longer be seen. The fibers are too tiny to be seen with the naked eye. A big risk we face is that it is very easy to disturb asbestos. This is due to the versatile nature of its use. It is present in some carpets, some insulation, and other areas that we have to be near every day. If you’re working from home, be careful how you handle things. If you suspect exposed asbestos, call a specialist to investigate. If you are working in a place where asbestos exposure is rampant, make sure you are trained on how to handle it and be sure to follow Ontario Regulation 278/05.

The Environmental Protection Agency issued a permit that allows only very small levels of asbestos in building materials. While this was a good move, being around this harmful compound is still life-threatening for ordinary citizens. Modern people know and understand the dangers associated with asbestos and have abandoned its former use as a primary building material.

Given the health hazards of asbestos, its use has been nearly eliminated. For those who still have asbestos-containing material in their home, have them inspected by professionals. If you want them removed, seek professional help.

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