admin Posted on 12:46 pm

Bathe in Noni: Kick Rashes, Bruises, and Soreness to the Curb

Noni is a plant with a long history of medicinal use. It is a natural analgesic (analgesic) that is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal. Noni helps cleanse the body of toxins, helps cells repair and regenerate, and hydrates the skin.

What does all that mean?

It means that noni is a potent, powerful and healthy healing agent that can help your body, whether you drink it or put it on your skin. While most people think of drinking noni juice to receive its healing benefits, taking a noni bath might be just the boost your body needs!

Why should I bathe in Noni?

If your skin is itchy or prone to rashes, eczema, or acne, noni can help soothe inflammation, keep bacteria at bay, and repair skin cells. Noni’s pain-relieving properties can help relieve pain from trauma such as sprains, deep bruises, bites, burns, and rheumatism.

While taking noni is not the same as taking an aspirin (although it has been dubbed the “aspirin of the ancients”), the use of noni can represent a natural, safe, and chemical-free alternative for a number of incidental illnesses.

How to take a noni bath

To give yourself a noni bath, you have two options. The first option is that you can rub the fresh fruit all over and then rinse it off. On the other hand, if squashing a strong-smelling fruit all over your body isn’t exactly your thing, you can also mix some noni juice extract into your bathwater.

Speaking of tea, another option is to make a strong herbal tea with fresh or dried noni leaves and add the tea to your hot bath. You will be amazed at how smooth and rejuvenated your skin and body will feel.

If you decide to go the extract route, you’ll need about 4 oz. of pure noni juice per bath. The best noni juice to use is one that is pure, raw, unpasteurized, and organic. Soak for 15-30 minutes for the best effect. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a wonderful added bonus.

Other External Applications for Noni

There are a variety of ways that you can use noni externally, other than bathing in it. Creative and proven ideas include:

Make a poultice of noni juice to apply to wounds, bruises, burns, boils, sensitive areas, and skin inflammations.

· Use pure noni juice as a daily face wash to keep acne in check.

Make your noni bath last twice as long by washing with organic noni soap.

· Exchange massages with your partner using noni lotion to relax muscles.

· Take a cue from the ancient Hawaiians, make an oil from the seeds and rub it into your hair as an insecticide (or use the juice to soothe a variety of scalp problems).

As the list of useful uses for noni goes on, you can see why having noni or noni juice around the house, as part of your daily home remedy kit, makes a lot of sense.

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