admin Posted on 11:02 am

Five Steps to Completing Community Projects for Social Change

Do you see a problem or problem in your community or organization? Are you interested in making some changes in your community or organization? You can use the following five steps to guide you on your journey to social change.

1) Evaluation: Evaluation of the needs and resources of the community or organization.

For. What are the resources of a community (finances, people, physical and material resources, structural design, community map, individual’s time);

B. What are the needs of the community?

vs. What organizations are connected to and support this organization or community?

D. You can use Social Mapping: Asset Mapping and Social Network Mapping. Where are the natural and material assets; What kinds of natural social networks already exist? What are the natural pathways for resources? Where are the greatest concentrations of community resources? Where are the areas of lack?

me. Identify the characteristics of the community:

I. Aspects of material culture (clothing, architecture, food)

ii. Cultural values, symbols, norms of behavior, language, beliefs / attitudes.

F. For community participation in the evaluation:

I. Ensures full voluntary participation

ii. Protect anonymity when you can. If not, maintain high standards of confidentiality.

gram. RESEARCH other similar projects for ideas on how to proceed.

2) Develop Goals and Objectives – These two are the forces that guide your entire project. You will need to refer to them for every action you take.

For. After collecting your assessment data, you can analyze the results for core themes and patterns. Summarize quantitative and qualitative data to discover community needs. Then write goals and objectives for each of the community needs that you can address with the current project.

B. Some questions to consider are: What issues can reasonably be addressed with current community members and potential partners? Is this the right season (literally spring, summer, fall, or winter) to tackle this problem? How should we prioritize projects?

3) Planning: In this part, you are answering the question, how can this community be mobilized?

For. Assemble a core team of leaders who will coordinate the entire project. Keep this team relatively small: 4-6 members. The core team must be organized, committed and, above all, enthusiastic.

B. Create a plan and timeline – Draw a timeline with appropriate dates, well spaced to suit fundraising needs;

vs. Make sure your plan meets your goals and objectives; check if necessary.

D. Create teams (with community organizers, partners, and participants) that will address specific parts of the project; Try to work with individual strengths.

I. When contacting collaborators, volunteers and participants, get to know the culture of your community. Do phone calls work better than email in this situation? Can we use Facebook to organize meetings?

me. Hold regular core team meetings for planning.

4) Fundraising:

For. In pairs, reach out to members of the local community, national organizations, local businesses, or any other potential donor and ask exactly what you need; nothing less.

B. Take the time to listen to your potential donor; most people want to give; they just want their own story to be heard first.

vs. Host FUN fundraisers, based on your project theme, if possible.

5) Take Action – Put your plan into action to achieve your goals and objectives.

For. Organize the necessary short-term volunteers and plan breakout groups or breakout sessions, as your individual requires.

B. Always have an agenda or work plan and a chair. You need a contact person in each workgroup or work session who knows the overall plan, someone people can turn to with questions as they arise.

vs. Have snacks and water. You can get these donated for your event.

D. If possible, present yourself with gifts for participants and recipients.

me. Perform ceremonies and rituals (have a project launch party, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, land blessing, project blessing, whatever ritual your project requires)

F. Make it fun; You need a “fun fundraiser” in each workgroup, someone whose only job is to keep things nice for the participants.

gram. Congratulate yourself (send press releases to local newspapers, high schools, churches). Spread the word! And celebrate your community project along the way.

h. Send regular comments to participants via Facebook, email, electronic newsletters; Keep your enthusiasm high!

There is one last ingredient that can make your community project especially successful and rewarding: reward it. Partner with the community you are serving to find another community that needs your help. As part of your community project, together make a donation of money, resources, or time at his address.

Finally, keep your team energetic with an inspiring mission and message! It comes from the heart and the desire to serve and surely social change will come to your community.

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