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Home Brewing Skyrockets: A Look at the Benefits for Newbies

Certainly home brewing is nothing new; it’s actually a throwback to the roots of brewing, when families made their own beers because there were few alternatives. That changed in the US with the rise of large breweries, but the modern revival of home brewing is really something new – or rather, something old that is happening for new reasons. Why is homebrewing gaining so much momentum? Here are some interesting reasons cited by real homebrewers.

Really social in an age of fake connections

Most of us are crammed with “social” activities. We review Facebook, “like” our friends’ posts, share things that matter to us, tweet with friends on Twitter, and grow our business networks on LinkedIn. We are so overloaded with the “social” that it is becoming difficult to remember what it was really like to participate in social activities. Interestingly, homebrewing is extremely social and allows you to connect (or reconnect) with new and old people in your life.

Brewing at home allows you to connect with your spouse together, with friends interested in getting involved, and with the broader brewing community. A simple trip to buy a new fermenter or to see the yeast strains available at the brewing equipment store puts you in direct contact with others who share your passion, allowing you to expand your circle even further. Even if neither of them becomes your new best friend, there’s a lot to be said for actual interaction with others without a computer screen and an internet connection getting in your way.

Exploring a passion

How many times in life can you explore something that you are really passionate about? Some people have history, while others have Scouts or other interest groups. However, the vast majority of people have no outlet to explore something they are truly passionate about, and homebrewing gives them that medium.

Brewing has more to do with passion than almost anything else. It’s an interesting combination of science experiment, history lesson, cooking practice, and creative innovation, and passionate brewers will find that every step of the process – even the frustrating failures – is far more enjoyable than many might think. There is much to be gained by following your passion.

The creative outlet offered here cannot be minimized – it’s as artisanal as being able to build a wooden cabinet or create a new stone patio in your backyard. Craftsmanship is the reward itself for many people.

It’s about education

Another very cool thing about home brewing that isn’t necessarily apparent until you get started is how educational it really is. Of course, there are lessons on temperature control and cook / boil containers, but depending on how deep it is, there are also lessons on broiling. On top of that, brewers learn about specific gravity, how various elements work together to create a whole, and how various additives can change the finished product (clarifying with fishtail, for example).

Is affordable

One of the main reasons homebrewers start out is to find a hobby that is moderately affordable. Brewing beer at home is actually much cheaper than many people think, especially if you are able to get creative with your supplies or can buy second hand. You can usually get a starter kit for $ 100 or less, and brewing a new batch of beer costs less than $ 50 (depending on your ingredients and processes, of course). Compare that to other hobbies where you have to spend hundreds of dollars just to get one foot in the door. Paintball, for example, requires a considerable investment up front, even if you are buying used equipment. Even scrapbooking has a higher cost of entry than crafting at home.

They are not just men

When you get involved in the world of home brewing, you will find that a stereotype should be dismissed almost immediately. That’s the thinking that only men make at home. Actually, there are many women involved. There are even female-specific forums, websites, and support groups for brewers. While homebrewing certainly has a higher percentage of male participants, the female component is growing as more and more women realize how enjoyable doing what they want can be.

Exploring historical roots

The ability to go back in time has yet to become a reality. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a glimpse of what the world was like centuries ago. Homebrewing lets you explore any recipe you can find, from modern iterations to old classics. Whether you’re a history buff or just want a better idea of ​​what our ancestors found so enjoyable with beer and other alcoholic beverages, brewing them at home is the way to go. From mead to Egyptian beer recipes and everything in between, homebrew offers an immense connection to the past.

Learning an art

Don’t have an artistic bone in your body? Can’t write a complete sentence to save your life? Can’t sew, craft, cook, or paint? If you fall into one of those categories, don’t worry. There is a way you can have an art of your own. Brewing at home is not so much a process as an art form, even the least talented brewer engages in art and creates something memorable outside of himself. Plus, it’s a business skill too, something that can be used on your behalf in other areas if you wish (although no one says you have to quit your day job to become a craft brewer).

These are just a few of the reasons people are drawn to homebrewing. The revolution is sweeping the country as well, as people discover that they can produce beer just as good (and often better) than what they can buy in the store. Simple ingredients, ease of brewing, and the ability to become part of a new community help ensure this isn’t a fad, it’s a new way of life.

Poto Cervesia,
Dustin Canestorp

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