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How to use your potty training chart for best results

What is a potty training chart? It’s a chart that can help you and your child track their progress in potty training. The principle behind it is based on a positive rewarding process. So every time your son/daughter successfully goes to the toilet, they will receive a fun sticker that clearly indicates their success and to make everyone care.

The reason this is such a successful reward method is that it can positively motivate your child and make them feel in control of the process. Your child will feel more encouraged and confident because his actions are recognized positively.

Incorporating a reward chart into your regular potty training routine would make the whole process more enjoyable, because your child would be more entertained. More importantly, it would take the pressure off him because for him, it would feel less like a chore when you use a rewards chart.

The final benefit of using a sticker board is that you don’t have to use rewards like food or toys; this is not recommended as your child may learn to expect them and this may have an adverse effect on his efforts when potty training is over.

So, to help you use your potty training chart most effectively, here are 5 top questions to ask yourself before you begin:

1. Do you really need to use a potty training board?

If your child is still resisting potty training after you’ve exhausted all other techniques, it’s a good idea to use a reward chart. Your child is easily distracted if you don’t make the process enjoyable for him. The colorful stickers are sure to catch his eye, especially if you let him choose them.

However, if your child still does not fully respond to the idea, it is better to switch to another strategy.

2. Does your child understand the concept of giving rewards?

It is imperative to explain to your child the importance of giving him a treat every time he goes to the bathroom with minimal supervision.

You have to remember that there is a fine line between motivating your child with rewards and making them dependent on material things. Let him know that the purpose of the potty chart is for him to be aware of how much he has improved throughout the process.

Children need to feel loved, so the public display of your approval, praise, and then the sticker on the chart will give them the motivation to keep improving.

3. Can you be consistent?

Every time he succeeds in going potty, or lets you know that he needs to go potty, give him the reward he deserves.

But keep in mind that your child may throw tantrums from time to time, just to get a sticker, even without good reason. In those cases, be firm and explain that he will only get a reward for each time he successfully goes to the bathroom.

On the other hand, be careful not to bait him with rewards if he’s not ready to potty train yet, because then the effectiveness of the potty training chart decreases.

4. Should you give material rewards as an additional affirmation for correct behavior?

Do not get used to giving food or other material rewards. Your child can learn to look for one every time he goes to the bathroom. Giving him treats or toys intermittently is fine, but be sure to move on to the potty training reward chart very soon, as this would make him less dependent on material rewards.

5. How do you choose which potty training chart is best?

Again, it’s about knowing yourself and the relationship you have with your child. You have many options:

-A free potty training chart

-A printable potty training chart

-A graphic that you can buy online (or in a store)

All of the above can come as a sticker chart or a chart that you can simply write on with a colored pen.

If you feel like you want to buy a chart, that’s up to you. However, if you don’t want to pay for it, there are many free potty training charts you can find online. Just download and print them on a color printer, then all you need to buy are some fun stickers and a colorful pen.

The bottom line is that there are many creative ways to potty train your child and one of the best is to use a potty training sticker chart. There are some sites that offer free printable versions, like However, whichever version you choose, be sure to involve your child in the selection process and make sure that it captures and holds her attention throughout the process.

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