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How to write an Easter bunny letter

Imagine having to drive around the world in one night, carrying Easter baskets and eggs as you do so. With all those responsibilities, plus the lack of opposable thumbs, is it any wonder the Easter Bunny can’t sometimes write letters to little boys and girls? Fortunately, it is easy for the adults to help the rabbit and write a letter themselves.

Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and other loved ones can write an Easter Bunny letter from scratch or, to make the process much simpler but still personal, they can choose to personalize a letter found on the internet. Additionally, some websites offer letters already formatted into an attractive, full-color Easter letterhead that can be instantly downloaded and printed.

You don’t need professional writing skills to write an Easter Bunny letter. By following some basic tips, getting to know the child, and getting into a “bunny” mood, you too can make Easter very special with a letter from a very special rabbit.

First, decide the time. When and how do you want the letter delivered to you? If it will be mailed, you will need to get it in writing, formatted, printed, and shipped with days to spare. For older children, you may also want to consider taking steps to ensure that the letter is not postmarked from your own city. If you prefer to present the letter on Easter morning, either placed next to a plate of half-eaten carrots or placed inside an Easter basket, you will have more flexibility as the pre-formatted letters can be downloaded and printed from the Internet.

When writing, keep in mind the tone of the letter that you want the bunny to present. Most people consider the Easter Bunny to be a jovial and fun-loving guy. References to jumping, chewing carrots, etc., are good ideas. You can choose to have the bunny give you some kind advice, like being patient with little siblings during the egg hunt, going to bed early on Saturday, or waiting until after Easter dinner to enjoy that chocolate bunny.

Jokes are fun to include in an Easter letter, as are puns. You can also mention “jumping down the rabbit trail”, “moving the nose” and other characteristics of the rabbit. Another approach is to praise the child for being so good at finding eggs that it is now a challenge to hide them.

To make the letter even more personal, consider adding a few details about the child’s own family or home, such as the bunny’s meeting with a family pet or the challenge of finding new hiding places in the child’s garden or home. If the child “met” you at the mall or elsewhere, you might mention it.

If your family is of the Christian faith, you may want to refer to the resurrection of Christ, Sunday church services, or other religious traditions or beliefs.

Don’t feel pressured to make the lyrics “perfect.” Children will be excited just hearing from the bunny, whether the letter is long or short, elaborate or direct. (Most kids would be amused by a simple “Thanks for the carrot” note.)

Easter Bunny letters can be handwritten, typed, or printed from a computer. It is good to use quality stationery, preferably with an Easter theme. Again, “sign” the letter as E. Bunny, Peter Cottontail, etc. If the letter is to be delivered to an older child, you may want to take extra care when writing the letter, disguising the letter, adding the “signature”, and so on.

If you, as the bunny’s helper, write from the heart, you will be sure to compose a clever and cute letter that any child will appreciate.

Copyright 2009 by Kevin Savetz

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