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Lord of the Rings; How is this an adventure for the yuppie Lost in Life?

youolkiano followed the tradition of Nibelungen from Norse mythology of a wife who strikes her husband with her forehead to remove all emotion from his life so that he, in turn, can bury that part in his children and kill all logical opposition to him. Because if he can’t control his own life or his wife’s, who else can he push besides his children?

This is the predecessor of all Dragon stories. It is not only the origin story of a ring of extraordinary powers for which one must renounce all love. Rome for Love, the ring is the symbol of marriage that traps some women in the cave of subconscious repression of a bad emotion. The fear of financial security linked to social opinion. But where does this start, when did it happen, who is to blame and how to change it?

The story begins with Frigga, the second wife of Odin who represents the triumph of civilization over his first wife of Nature, condemning the fear of an incestuous relationship between Sieglinde and Siegmund. This couple is also present in the relationship of Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, the couple separated at birth in the life of a borderline child. Emotions are never validated within the family and are forced to be challenged, which should have been accepted naturally in healthy homes. Before a child takes any action with consequences, career or marriage, he must unite his (Princess Leia/Sieglinde) emotional thinking with his (Luke Skywalker/Siegmund) Logical thinking. This motif is represented by the couple crossing the abyss through an act of faith (letter from the Fool in Traot) or walking the razor’s edge between the two ways of thinking. The Goal is to get a job (Logic) but what job (Emotion). But Frigga has her husband to act on her behalf.

Now Odin, the megalomaniac ego who replaces emotional thinking with fear and consequence, now kills opposition where he can and removes logical thinking and self-directed action from his children. By killing Siegmund. This is stimulated by Siegmund pulling his sword out of the tree, a symbol of decisive action on a target. Fear of opposition to his weak ego, to the child, is repressed, and anger is transferred to the wife or mother. As the Bully who gets beaten up at home he steals the nerd’s milk money.

After Siegmund’s death and the pieces of the broken sword are collected, Brunnhilde hides Sieglinde in the eastern forest guarded by the Dragon Fafner. The sword that Islidor breaks against Saurian, is the same sword that Siegmund finds in the tree and that his son Siegfired as Aragorn will later wield. The sieglinde of the eastern forest is hidden in the subconscious of the inner child. The east represents the beginning and the new beginning. The child of borderline parents, like the child, has a stunted development and is separated from access to adulthood. Only when a person has his emotions validated and has self-direction in his action to achieve his goals, does he in many ways still react to the world like a child and look to others to make decisions and tell him how he feels. His address comes from Fox News, the partner, the boss, or the parent. Now Brunnhilda is the turmoil that remains in Odin, the father, who is trapped after his wife’s contempt for Sieglinde’s escape. Brunhilda is surrounded by fire until a hero can free her.

Now Sigelinde carries the seed of logic from her dead brother. Even in the Dao symbol, there is a small white hole in black and vice versa. Emotional thinking carries a spark of logic that can grow. For her son, Siegfried will become the dragon slayer. The Dragon is the generational and cultural divide that permeates families to lead societies to the wasteland expressed in TH White’s poem. The King and the earth are one. As long as Odin is separated in thought from him, so will be the land where the country’s patriarchs or patriots rule. Like after September 2001, you can see what happens when emotions from abroad create fear in men to ignore their own emotions to jump on the bandwagon and put their actions on others to invade countries that do not oppose any logical threat. Now Siegfried will make his father’s sword reassemble to slay the dragon. Like Aragorn.

After slaying the dragon, Siegfired will release Brunhilda and return emotional thought to Odin the father. In alchemy, the megalomaniac ego is called sennex. In the Grail Cycle, he is King Fischer whose creative powers were curbed by a groin injury from raping a maiden in a well. Siegfried brings love and compassion to Brunhilda. This act overcomes fear thinking that Frigga, the civilization over nature, has given her husband Odin. This is also seen in 19th century architecture in America. Federalism was the answer of better ships and the mathematics of probability in marine insurance seemed to beat nature. What in the previous century was exposed natural wood was covered with painted boiseries and wallpaper. Anything the man freaked out or improved on was better than the poor man’s natural finish. Trader over farmer. Christianity over paganism. Siegfried, like Tolkien, expected the world of his story to respond to the open-cast mining that was taking place in his England to merge civilization with nature. Entities and everything. The wasteland is the void before the meltdown. But until then, the sennex won’t accept his son, Siegfried, until he has a better course of action than Frigga. The son’s response will not be accepted in its entirety, but digested and absorbed to generate a better and more individual response than the one brought by the son. The son will give self-determination, motivation and self-acquisition to the father.

Now to the person who started all of this. Remember our ancestors had to battle ice age, icy storms, drafts, famine, earthquakes, and unpredictable herds. Nature seemed to be a fickle parent. So man fought for technology and civilization to bring order and control to the world he feared. Civilization separated us from the world that threatened us. Today we can be locked in our homes with a controlled environment. Even in the hottest summer sun in the Sahara, men can drive Hummers with A/C by setting the interior to 60 degrees. But who has become our security guardian? Those who promote fear and separation. Frigga as civilization and fear takes away our natural mother on earth and instinct. Granted for a time in our world expressed in third world oriented tribal societies until the beginning of the last century had maintained a balance between civilization and nature. They had the latest technology but not the latest Paris fashion. They had people coordinating society and not dictating. Frigga has grown largely in the way of women since the suffragette movement. The woman gave up the emotional foundation that children were given to set goals. Love became conditional on success. At the same time, men returned from two great wars broken and unable to raise their children but fuel their wives’ ambitions. If they spoke it was aggressive and logical only. This has prevailed in most of the world’s leading classes, with queens like Catherine of Aragon pitting her wealth and power against hers her husband Henry II. Just watch Lion in Winter to see what happened to his sons who became the predecessors to the English law we find in America today.

With the rise of economic success, we have seen the rise of children in lockdown and children sent to boarding schools. The disease of the ruling class is prevalent throughout the world. The disease that does not allow the father to provide emotional support to the children if the Mother wants to pursue her objectives outside the family. To the insults of Mr. Mom. Frigga is the woman who opposes her own emotional side, not logical and sometimes passive. Frigga’s separation from herself and her lack of control lies within that of husband and child. If she can’t control herself, she at least controls those in her life and the world around her at home.

After Brunnhilde’s release to allow Odin to support his logic with that of his emotions, Siegfried has freed him to use the sword to discern for himself his own direction which is ultimately guided by the balance of emotional validation and knowledge of the logic to truly become a king in his head to coordinate all his skills and wisdom to the action and realization of his dreams. In doing so, he heals Frigga and the society. Society learns to live in nature, not against but with. Alternative fuel sources and biodegradable resources that work and outperform the dangerous ones of the past.

The song remains the same, but the melody changes. In the 12th century, the cultural response to this story in England and Europe was the Grail Cycle with the fashionable Knights of the Round Table. In the early 20th century, it was the Norse heroes who fought for control of the ring in The Lord of the Rings. Marriage ring that controls many to give up love for yourself. Because when the ring is that of wealth and position, it is deadly. Because when the ring becomes more important than love, it’s too powerful. True marriage comes first with true love for oneself. Without it you only have one ring, and you will never understand how to love another. So, for Frigga, the ring was the wealth and control of her spouse to protect her against the fear of nature and the pieces of herself.

HASthe that from a fairy tale?

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