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Natural Cure For Yeast Infections: Three Home Remedies That Are Effective

Due to the terrible nature of a yeast infection, many people want quick and quick relief from painful symptoms. That is why people will even use poisonous substances such as boric acid. The use of such substances is not only dangerous, but they only mask the symptoms for some time and do not cure the infection.

However, there are some very effective home remedies that act very quickly to relieve the symptoms of a yeast infection. Also, if the infection is diagnosed early enough, these home remedies are often enough to cure the infection.

At the top of the list is yogurt. A healthy body contains large amounts of acidophilus, the good gut bacteria that keep the yeast Candida albicans in check. However, due to some reasons like antibiotic use or stress, this natural balance can be disturbed and Candida overgrows and causes yeast infection. A plain, organic, unsweetened yogurt that contains live acidophilus cultures (read the packaging carefully) can provide the good bacteria that will later help eliminate excess yeast in the gut. Yogurt can be eaten or drunk to increase the levels of bacteria in the intestine. It can also be applied directly to the affected areas.

The second safe remedy is garlic. Yeast is a fungus and garlic is a very strong natural antifungal substance. It can be eaten raw, crushed and applied to the affected areas or wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina. Another way is to mix it with a small amount of lemon juice and some sea salt. Lime juice and sea salt help balance the body’s PH, reducing the growth rate of candida.

Another natural cure for yeast infection is grapefruit extract. This is a very strong tasting but very effective substance. It is usually in a highly concentrated form and must be diluted before use. Once diluted you can drink it with plenty of water three times a day. Water also helps kill yeast. You can also use the solution to clean the affected area. Also, you can add drops of grape seed extract into the wash water to kill yeast on clothes when washing.

There are many cures for yeast infections, but the above three are usually the most effective if used immediately when a yeast infection is suspected. They are also among the remedies that do not feed the yeast and make it multiply.

A recurring yeast infection is usually a sign of a serious imbalance in the body that needs immediate attention. Getting to the root cause of the infection is important for any natural yeast infection cure to be effective.

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