admin Posted on 6:31 pm

Penis Sensitivity Products to Avoid: Beware of the Dangers of Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Very few products come with an explicit label that says, “Not for use on the penis.” In general, most manufacturers expect consumers to be careful when choosing products for their delicate parts. Men with low levels of penile sensitivity may be so desperate for a solution, on the other hand, that they’re willing to throw all caution to the wind. Some of these men use anti-wrinkle creams containing alpha hydroxy acid in the hope that they can restore long-lost sensations. As these men quickly discover, this is not the best product for promoting penis health.

power in a bottle

Alpha Hydroxy Acid is the wrinkle hater’s secret weapon. A product containing this ingredient can exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing them to slough off and disappear to reveal smoother, younger-looking skin beneath. These products don’t alter how your skin works and can’t promote how fast your skin cells grow, but they can help your skin look a little softer and smoother.

All of these benefits may sound wonderful, but there is a downside, as these products can also have a number of unpleasant side effects, especially when it comes to the penis. These may include:

1. Skin peeling

2. A burning sensation

3. Greater sensitivity to the sun

4. Itching

5. Redness

These types of side effects are more common in products that have the highest concentration of alpha hydroxy acid, but unfortunately, manufacturers are not required to disclose this number on the product packaging. People with wrinkled faces may be willing to roll the dice and take the risk, but they can also put the product on hardened skin that is designed to withstand a certain amount of abuse. As a result, they may not feel the damage being done.

On the other hand, it is important to be aware of ingredients that can cause pain and flaking, especially before putting them on the penis; men should be wary of using anything of unknown force when the very symbol of their masculinity is at stake.

understand the impulse

Men who think of using such products, in most cases, do not intend to be sadistic. They may not even be looking for a boost in the looks of little Johnson below. Instead, they hope to be able to increase sensitivity rates by scraping off dead cells that slow down the action of the nerve tissue lining the penis.

In theory, this is a good idea. Dead skin can work like a cap on the penis, deflecting the action of light, simple touches. But scraping these cells can sometimes cause scar tissue to form, and that hardened tissue can also block pleasurable sensations. Also, alpha hydroxy products do not support the health of the nerves that cover the penis. Some causes of numbness come from a lack of nutrition and support for these nerve cells, and all the chemical peels in the world won’t help alleviate that.

A penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), on the other hand, could be ideal for a man’s sensitive plans. These products contain ingredients that will actually nourish your skin cells, so they’ll have the ammunition they need to attach and turn properly. Vitamins can also help support nerve cells, so a man’s inner workings will function just as well as the outer parts of him. The application of these products is also pleasant, without the need for burning or stinging, and does not leave a feminine odor. In general, this is a better option when it comes to loss of penile sensation.

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