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Personal Development Plan – We are all different – How about we personalize our own?

“A personal development plan?” Most of the people who want to revolutionize their lives in less than 90 days do not think about how they are going to do it.

They just want to get started, but soon discover they don’t have enough time or money (or even the desire) to continue, so they quit. Or they go full speed ahead for a few days and then stop! These patterns are a recipe for disaster!”Know Thyself . . . “

As you create and use your personal development strategy for the next 90 days, you want to provide constant and regular feedback. I recommend having the mindset of a gardener who takes care of his garden day after day. The question is what kind of results do you want to achieve in 90 days and how much do you think you will commit to in the next 90 days. You see, and the personal development strategy takes into account your:

– emotional commitment

– time commitment

– commitment of money

and then you want to see if it all makes sense.

emotional commitment.

Really. How much do you want to transform your life in 90 days? If improving a certain part of your life sounds good, then you’ll want to make a personal development plan that doesn’t require a lot of work. If, on the other hand, you have to change your life in 90 days, then you will be willing to work harder on your change. In my case, I just finished making a personal development plan to generate more income from my website. The reason is that I want to move to a more suitable area but the rent is higher. For me, I must do my 90 day transformation, so I’m willing to do the work (hence this article! );-) The more you want to genuinely change your life in 90 days, the more I recommend making a personal development plan that requires more work and where better results are obtained. So, on a scale of 1-10, one is not committed and 10 is committed to death (okay, maybe not death);-) where do you stand? Write down your answer.

time commitment

Let’s say you now have a good idea of ​​how much you want to change in 90 days. From there, you’ll want to find out for yourself if you’re willing to put in the time. You’ll also want to consider your situation and see if now is a good time to work on your transformation! In my case, I’m moving in 3 months, which gives me plenty of time to work on my 90-day plan (barely!) How about you? Are you in the middle of a big project at work? Do you have enough things to deal with? Even though you are dealing with a lot of things right now, I recommend that you give your transformation the highest priority you can and want (but that’s just me. If you have 168 hours a week, write the number of hours on the same piece of paper (or Word document) that noted your level of commitment.

money pledge

Okay, so you’ve taken a look at how badly you want to change and how much time you can dedicate to it. The next step in your personal development plan is to see how much money you can put into it. Personal development plans cost more money than you think. With that in mind, are you looking to spend $100 on groceries, equipment, books, etc. . . ? Or are you willing to pay $500? Or $2000? In my case, when I did the Bodyforlife Challenge, I bought the book for $20, I would spend $550 on groceries and the gym and deposit $200 as a reward. I was able to get better results because I spent more money wisely on my 90 day plan. And you? How much money are you willing to spend on your plan? Remember that more is not always better, but more represents your level of commitment. If you’re spending more, change your plan accordingly. If it’s less, you can fix it by being creative with your personal development plan. In any case, write down how much money you are willing to spend per month (yes on that same piece of paper or Word document! );-)

Once you’ve written down how motivated you are and how much money and time you’re willing to put into the plan, you can make a better decision about what will work for you. In either case, you are in a much better position to come up with your own personal development plan. Now get to it! 😉

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