admin Posted on 1:42 pm

Protect your belongings from prying eyes

Whether you park your car in a garage, in the driveway or on the street, no matter what kind of neighborhood you live in, it is essential that you do not leave valuables in plain sight inside your vehicle.

The most popular items among thieves these days include car stereos, portable GPS units (eg Garmin, Magellan, etc.), iPods, smartphones, mp3 players, satellite radios, or any other electronic device. This generation has a fascination with technological gadgets, and thieves are unfortunately no different. Also at risk are personal belongings, such as wallets, checkbooks, purses, and anything that might contain cash, credit cards, jewelry, or documents that could be used for identity theft.

Of course, the easiest method of deterring a potential thief is sometimes overlooked by a large percentage of motorists. It is estimated that between 10 and 20% of people who park in a public area do not lock their vehicle. Many of us assume the best of our fellow man, that in general most of us are honest and hard-working people. While that may be partly true, there is a criminal element in any town, so it is very unwise to leave your vehicle unlocked, even if you’ll only be away for a couple of minutes.

Locking your vehicle is the first step. The second step is to keep your personal belongings out of sight. Depending on what the thief can see in your seats or on the console, it may be worth going in and taking your stuff anyway. If you have a use for it, someone else will too. If you are going to be away and out of sight from your vehicle for more than a minute in a public area, make sure your personal valuables are stored somewhere out of sight, such as the glove box, console compartment central, or the trunk.

However, thieves can often be smarter than the average bear. Hiding your items out of sight is not a fail-safe measure. A notable example is when a motorist leaves a clue as to what else might be inside, such as leaving a GPS mount on the dash or windshield. When a thief sees this, he knows there’s a good chance of a good find. Be sure to remove the GPS mounts and put them away, and even clean the ring left on the glass to erase any sign that it’s in your vehicle.

Sometimes we lose sight of the value of the items we have inside our vehicles. You wouldn’t leave large cash bills on the seats and dashboard, would you? Try to develop the same habit with your belongings. You may see them as simple items, but thieves see dollar signs and only care how much they can get at a pawn shop or on eBay. Always secure your personal items somewhere out of sight to help prevent a thief from choosing you as their next target.

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