admin Posted on 3:42 am

Short Video Clips – Future of Video Consumption

The video trend is here to stay. Users love creating videos and watching videos. Short clips can be produced by a novice with software made by Vine and Instagram. These users make videos to share with their family and friends. This is a new capacity in the last two years.

Companies have started to find ways to generate short clips for their audience by generating animated GIFs to attract interest. Bing has created a video preview option in its search results that offers actual video clips combined, giving information about the full version of the video.

The reason why businesses need to add video preview to their website is because now there is so much video content that it becomes tedious for users to find the videos they want to watch. Most websites don’t offer a video search, so a lot of your videos go unwatchable.

What is the attention span of a typical internet user? Less than 10 seconds, and this means that if you want to be successful in getting your users to engage with your highest paying ad inventory, you’ll need to give them a sneak peek of multiple titles. Users want everything faster. What they need is an instant video preview of your video titles, to want to dig deeper into your video content.

Online video has been looking for new ways to generate more video views. Preview is that mechanism. And users have already told us they want 10-second clips using Vine and Instagram video, by the millions. Facebook and Twitter take advantage of these tools with their users, proving again that this is what users want.

Now, it’s time for businesses to jump on the bandwagon and start including those 10-second clips on their websites, in a sidebar, full-width module, and even an instant preview thumbnail gallery. However, they must be of high quality to attract users.

YouTube allows itself to be adopted. They implemented their own version of “preview” by having a popup frame when hovering over the player timeline. But, that’s more of a search than what’s in the title. There is no motivation to participate in the video from the beginning, there is simply not enough information.

So, when you start to figure out how to add a video preview to your website, look for a real video product that is scalable, easy to use, and is located on your site where it’s easy to find.

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